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The session continues on Monday, SDSM’s proposal was not included in the agenda

Today’s ninth continuation of the constitutive session of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia for the election of a president and member of...

Kocijančić: The uncertainty must end and a government must be formed without further delay

The results from the recent parliamentary elections must be respected, the current uncertainty must end and a government must be formed without further delay,...

Pro VMRO media and associations are scaremongering with “people’s brigades”

Media outlets that openly support VMRO-DPMNE, have been publishing articles which pervade military rhetoric. Accordingly, “Republika” has “learned that citizens are organizing themselves and are...

World Bank predicts Macedonia will have the lowest economic increase in the region

The World Bank predicts that Macedonia will have an increase in its economic growth of 2.8%, which is the lowest in the region, according...

NDI’s Poll: The political situation is the biggest problem for the first time since 2001

For the first time since the 2001 conflict, the general political situation/political crisis is the most serious problem for citizens of Macedonia. It is...

SDSM requested support from 10 MPs for electing a Parliament Speaker

Oliver Spasovski, SDSM’s MP, at today’s ninth continuation of the constitutive session, asked for a support from 10 MPs for voting an election of...

EP: The situation in Macedonia is very serious and the crisis is distancing the country from the EU

Yesterday, European Parliament expressed its concern regarding the political situation in Macedonia at a plenary session where they discussed the report prepared by Ivo...

The Constitutional Court has temporarily stopped the government’s decision for a baroque facade on GTC

At today’s session, the Constitutional Court with a majority of votes decided to start a procedure for determining the constitutionality and the legality of...

Vajgl, Kukan, Fleckenstein: We can see no justification for the delaying tactics

We can see no justification for the delaying tactics being used in Parliament that hinder the appointment of a new Parliament Speaker and the...

Almost all of SDSM’s MPs left the “joke of a Parliament session”

Most of the MPs from SDSM and their coalition left the eighth continuation of the constitutive session of Parliament, because, as they put it,...

Seventeen judges have appealed to the Supreme Court regarding Ribarev’s schedule

Seventeen judges from Basic Court Skopje 1 have appealed to the Supreme Court concerning the new annual schedule which was passed late last month...

Ivanov is attending the Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul

Starting from today, President Gjorge Ivanov will be on a two-day working visit to Turkey, where he will be participating at the Eurasian Economic...

VMRO-DPMNE: 20 more MPs seats for the winner so there is no blackmail

VMRO-DPMNE in its morning press release reminded that they proposed a principle that will in the future prevent winners of elections be blackmailed. "The manifesto...

Baily: Ivanov and Parliament to move forward the process of forming a government

“We urge the President to move forward with the process. It is also important that Parliament moves forward, and that begins with a new...

VMRO-DPMNE: It is a complete fabrication that the government pays Gruevski’s phone bills

The news that the government pays VMRO-DPMNE President, Nikola Gruevski’s telephone bills is a complete fabrication. Gruevski does not have a telephone which is...

Bogoevski: In March, Gruevski’s phone bill for roaming came up to 184.000 denars, the peoples’ money

Pavle Bogoevski, an independent MP from SDSM’s coalition at today’s constitutive session of Parliament said that the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski spent 184.000...

SPO is checking the properties of party officials and companies as part of its financial investigations

The Special Public Prosecution is making detail inspections of the properties of a large number of persons and companies for the needs of the...

MFA summons Albanian Ambassador: Rama and Bushati’s statements are a serious provocation

The Ambassador of Albania in Macedonia, Fatos Reka was summoned yesterday for talks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the frequent insulting statements...

SDSM: They have to come to their senses rather than thinking about Mijalkov’s oil

Gjorge Ivanov must allow for a peaceful transfer of power rather than to protect criminals, said SDSM’s morning press release, which states that “Ivanov’s...

Ristoska: We have a plan “B” if the SPO`s term is not extended

SPO’s Public Prosecutor, Lenče Ristoska at tonight’s guest appearance at “Top Tema” TV show, repeated the appeal for extending the deadline for filing charges...