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Gruevski appears in Parliament, SDSM accuses Mijalkov of going into business with oil

In a very similar manner to what happened last week, at today’s the sixth continuation of the constitutive session of Parliament, again accusations could...

SDSM: Europe can see that Ivanov doesn’t behave democratically, with good manners and with a rational mind

Europe and the world can see that Gjorge Ivanov’s behavior isn’t based on democratic principles, decency, and rational mind, and that is why we...

Tusk to Ivanov: Find a solution based on democratic principles and common sense

“This protracted crisis is holding your country back from your Euro-Atlantic path. It is for you to find a solution based on democratic principles,...

Gjorčev: Bushati’s and Rama’s statements infringe with our sovereignty

Every day, the general public in Macedonia is witnessing statements that infringe the inner issues and the country’s sovereignty. The Albanian Minister of Foreign...

Bushati: Involving the Albanian platform into the Constitution will have positive effects

There is a deep crisis of democracy in Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski and his party are trying to transform this democratic crisis into an inter-ethnic...

This afternoon Tusk will meet with Ivanov

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, this afternoon will meet with the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov. The main focus of the...

VMRO-DPMNE presents “Manifesto for a Unified Macedonia”

Today, members of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, Antonio Milososki, Nikola Poposki and Ilija Dimovski presented the Manifesto for a Unified Republic of Macedonia,...

The political and migrant crisis will be the focus of tomorrow’s talks between Ivanov and Tusk

“The focus of the talks between President Ivanov and the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk will be the threat of illegal migration...

Who is using and forcing all of Macedonia’s attributions?

"Unitary", "federal", "cantonal", "united", "unified", "confederate" and "multi-ethnic". These are the terms and adjectives that dominate the narrative of political parties in Macedonia in...

SDSM: It is necessary that Parliament is unblocked instead of protecting criminals

“Macedonia will be a law abiding country. There will be thorough reforms in the judiciary and prosecution and there will be a justice for...

Gashi and Spasovski claim that Besa will not withdraw its signatures

We haven’t made a decision whether we will join the government. We only talked about the election of a president of the Parliament. We...

VMRO-DPMNE: Edi Rama continues to humiliate the Macedonian people

“Playing games and trading with the highest state and national interests is heating up the appetites of various structures that mean no good to...

Ahmeti: DUI didn’t make a decision this evening and there might be a new leadership meeting

At the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica, DUI’s president announced that the party still hasn’t made a clear decision for a way out...

DUI is considering withdrawing its ministers from government

At today’s meeting of DUI’s central residency, which is occurring at the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica, there will be a discussion for withdrawal...

Oldest MP Manoilovski urges all other MPs to work for Macedonia

The fifth installment of the constitutive session passed in sophistry among the political parties and objections, rather than debating the points on the agenda,...

Ahmeti summons urgent meeting for DUI to find an exit from the Parliament blockade

Today, the leader of DUI, Ali Ahmeti summoned an urgent meeting of the Central Presidency where they will discuss an exit strategy from the...

Court Administration boycotts the Day of Macedonian Justice

The celebrations on March the 31st, which mark the Day of Macedonian Justice, passed today with a boycott by the court’s administration. The Association of...

For Judge Vangelovski to be excluded, the Supreme Court will decide at a general session

Yesterday, the Special Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the president of the Supreme Court, Jovo Vangelovski be excluded because he is part of the wiretapped...

Rama: The discussion over the borders will have to be re-visited If the process of euro-integration of Balkan countries...

If the process of euro-integration of all the Balkan countries fails, then the discussion over borders will have to be re-visited, said the Prime...

Rama: The platform was written in Macedonia, I facilitated the communication

Albanians have never been, nor will they be a problem in Macedonia, as for the accusations surrounding the so called “Tirana platform”, it is...