A day after it was announced that a coalition agreement was reached between SDSM and DUI regarding the new government, the political parties have announced the names of the officials that will take over the ministerial positions. As was announced by Zaev, he will be the Prime Minister in the next four years, while Artan Grubi will be the First Deputy Prime Minister.
Regarding the ministries, Venko Filipče will keep his previous position at the Health Ministry, Oliver Spasovski will remain be managint the Ministry of Interior, and Radmila Shekerinska will keep her position at the Defense Ministry.
Some of the ministries will see changes in their managing positions, such as the Ministry of Education and Science, where Mila Carovska will take over the ministerial position and her place at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies will be taken over by former MP Jagoda Shahpaska. Fatmir Besimi will be the new Minister of Finance, replacing Nina Angelovska.
SDSM has placed its personnel in the Ministry for Transport and Communications where the minister will be the incumbent Mayor of Shtip, Blagoj Bochvarski. Irena Stefoska will be the Minister of Culture, and the next Justice Minister will be Bojan Maričik.
SDSM announced that Ljupcho Nikolovski, who previously was a Minister of Agriculture, in the next four years will be a Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the fight against crime and corruption, the sustainable development and human resources. Nikola Dimitrov will leave the Foreign Affairs Ministry and his position will be taken by Bujar Osmani. On the other hand, Dimitrov will be a Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies and Fatmir Bitikji will be a Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Policies.
From the ranks of the “We Can” coalition, such as the BESA party and LDP will arrive ministers which will head the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, and the Ministry for Local Self-Government.
DUI will keep its personnel at the Ministry for Economy, where the incumbent minister is Kreshnik Bektesh, and at the Ministry for Environment and Physical Planning, which is headed by Naser Nuredini.
So far, no information was issued about who will run the Ministry for Information Society and Administration.