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Tag: Ministers

With 62 votes in favor, Parliament of North Macedonia elects new Government led by Zoran Zaev

With 62 votes for, the Parliament of North Macedonia last night elected the new government led by Zoran Zaev. The session was attended by 115 MPs out of whom 113 MPs cast their vote. 51 MPs voted against the new government's cabinet. In his address before the voting for the new executive power center, mandatary Zoran Zaev said that the...

North Macedonia: Carovska new Minister of Education, Filipche will remain Health Minister

A day after it was announced that a coalition agreement was reached between SDSM and DUI regarding the new government, the political parties have announced the names of the officials that will take over the ministerial positions. As was announced by Zaev, he will be the Prime Minister in the next four years, while Artan Grubi will be the...

The Przhino model blocks €90 million loan for fighting COVID-19, the problem is in the hands of SEC

The Government is taking measures for the implementation of an already approved loan by the World Bank in the amount of €90 millions because the additional Deputy Minister of Finance, Gordana Dimitrieska - Kochoska has been refusing for a prolonged period to sign the loan agreement. During yesterday's session, the Government ministers decided to ask the State Election Committee...

Analysis: Zaev’s sweep won’t clean Ahmeti’s yard

“Operation Sweep” announced by Zoran Zaev in April - right after the first round of presidential elections, will "kick-off" in June. Arrogant and irresponsible departments will be targeted, as well as those who involved in nepotism and are part of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s cases. The prime minister announced this after returning from a short holiday with his friends abroad,...

Prime minister and the ministers have cut down government expenditures by more than 65%

The prime minister and the ministers have cut down government expenditures by more than 65% during the second 6 months compared to the first 6 months, shows the upgraded tool for transparency at the government's webpage. "The government's transparency is giving saving results and responsible spending. There are savings for all sorts of costs especially catering services where the...

Fourth ministerial meeting in Thessaloniki between Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania

The foreign Affairs' ministers of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and host Greece, at the start of November will hold a new quadrilateral meeting in Thessaloniki. According to the information provided by MIA's correspondent in Athens, the fourth ministerial meeting during which it is planned a discussion about subjects on regional cooperation in many areas, will be held on the 8th...

Today Parliament votes on the reshuffle of Zaev’s government

A parliamentary session will be held at 11 o’clock in Parliament today to discuss and approve the government's reshuffle; a year after this parliamentary assembly voted the initial composition of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s government. The first item on the agenda will be the election of new members of the Government, which must end by midnight. The second point is...

Kotzias invites Dimitrov to take part in meeting with the Visegrad Group

Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, at the invitation of his Greek counterpart, Nikos Kotzias, will take part in a second meeting, in an extended composition of foreign ministers of the Balkans and the Visegrad Group in the so-called "Visegrad-4 Plus Balkan-4 Plus" format, which will take place on May 10 and 11, in Sunni, near Athens, informs the Ministry of...

Cost of ministers’ expenses from state institution buffets to be made public

The current Government plans not only to publish the full adopted agenda of Government sessions, but to publish materials and records from the sessions, said Robert Popovski, the minister without portfolio in charge of communications, accountability and transparency, at today's meeting with representatives from the media and non-governmental organizations, where they discussed current policies and processes related to the...

Zaev announces possible changes to staff in the spring

In an interview with "Prism", Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced possible changes to staff across the state institutions in the spring, and a "recapitulatory" after ten months of the election of the government, and as he says, it can cause its reconstruction. “What means failure in the management of an institution, can not be the reflection of the institution itself....

Macedonia has to apologize to El-Masri until March

The Republic of Macedonia is threatened with the first Resolution with an indictment by the Council of Europe if until March this year it doesn't issue an apology to the German citizen of Lebanese origin, Kalid el-Masri. This was said at today's press conference about the second monitoring report regarding the reforms in the judiciary, organized by representatives of...

Zaev believes that through dialogue, he will persuade the opposition back to Parliament

Today, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev did not want to announce whether the meeting with the coalition partners on the filling of vacant ministerial posts, including that of the Ministry of Health, was held last night. Zaev said that as soon as there is a resolution for new members in the government, the public will be told. “You know that there are...

Peshevski, Naumoff and Samak owe the state 300.000 euros for telephone bills

The former ministers in the government led by VMRO-DPMNE, Vladimir Peshevski, Goran Mickovski, Jerry Naumof, Vele Samak and Bill Pavleski owe the state 300.000 euros for going overboard with the limits on their work telephones, said the Government's General Secretary, Dragi Rashkovski for the SDK portal. A champion in overriding the limit on his mobile work phone in a...

Gruevski: Declassification of foreign investors’ subsidies is harmful

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, today at a press conference at the party headquarters, criticized the new government stating it had not achieved any result with foreign investments, nor had it brought new jobs resulting from such investments. Gruevski believes that the first worrisome signal was the choice of the government ministers in charge of attracting investments. He also criticized...

The first session of the new government has begun

Today, the first session of the new government led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev began. Half an hour before the meeting, journalists had the opportunity to see the interior of the government building, which was open to the public for the first time after its renovation. The three main entrances to the fence of the government building were open, and...

Ivanov receives the new government

Today, at Villa Vodno, the President of the country, Gjorgi Ivanov, received the members of the new government, led by the Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev. Ivanov congratulated all the ministers and wished them success in their work. The President of the country gave the mandate to form a government to SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev, on May the 17th, and last night,...

VMRO-DPMNE isn’t revealing whether it will be present at the Parliament’s session tomorrow

VMRO-DPMNE still isn’t revealing whether its MPs will participate in the tomorrow’s parliamentary session during which a discussion will be opened about Zoran Zaev’s proposal for a new government. Tomorrow’s session is first after Talat Xhaferi’s election as a president of the Parliament. VMRO-DPMNE has called his election “illegitimate, non-constitutional and beyond the regulations in the Rulebook.” The party...

Zaev announces new government, he believes it has the capacity for reforms and a full mandate

The leader of SDSM and mandatary, Zoran Zaev who is forming a new government, this evening after the Central Board’s session had finished, the party announced the new cabinet, which has 15 ministers in various departments and several ministers without designated departments. Zaev announced that Radmila Šekerinska will be Minister of Defence, Oliver Spasovski will be Interior Minister, Dragan Tedovski...

DUI proposes Lika, Osmani, Merko, Saliu, Bektashi, and Duraku for ministers in the new government

Late last night, DUI’s presidency has decided to propose Hazbi Lika, Bujar Osmani, Bilent Saliu, Kreshnik Bektashi and Sadula Duraku for ministers in the new government. Hazbi Lika will be a vice-prime minister for the political system and relations among the communities. In the period between 2005 and 2009, he was the Mayor of the municipality of Tetovo. DUI’s spokesperson...

Ahmeti: DUI didn’t make a decision this evening and there might be a new leadership meeting

At the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica, DUI’s president announced that the party still hasn’t made a clear decision for a way out of the crisis, but said that early elections that VMRO-DPMNE is asking would not solve the crisis. Ali Ahmeti also said that a leadership meeting is a possibility. After an emergent call, this afternoon and...