
“Most”: The re-vote in Tearce was peaceful, but with technical problems


The re-vote at the polling station 2011 in Tearce was occurring in a peaceful ambiance, with a different dynamic in the voters’ turnout which decreased in the last hours before the ending of the voting, as was said in the preliminary report by the civic association “Most” that was monitoring the –re-vote with two monitors and two mobile teams.

“Most,” as was stated in the statement, monitored the situation between the period when the voting results on the 11th of December were annulled until the re-vote and it stated that the ambiance was peaceful without any incidents. But it registered a bribery attempt i.e. a criminal lawsuit was filed against two persons that offered bribery to voters in Tearce not to come out to vote.

“During the day (yesterday, during the re-vote) a larger presence of police forces was noticed around the polling station. Around 9 am it was noticed that the UV lamps are out of order, and therefore the voting was stopped for a period of 15 minutes in order new lamps to be obtained. After that, the voting continued. During the voting procedure and the votes counting no irregularities were noticed” as was stated in the “Most’s” preliminary report

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