
Head of Islamic Community receives an ultimatum to resign in a period of 72 hours


Skendeer Buzaku gave an ultimatum to the Head of the Islamic Community (IVZ) the reis Sulejman Rexepi to leave IVZ in 72 hours as otherwise, he will reveal evidence and facts about criminal activities which he indicated were heavy crimes.

A clock was placed in front of IVZ’s headquarters that is ticking the 72 hours.

-Today we stand in front of the IVZ’s entrance that was legally usurped by Sulejman Rexepi in 2011, and since 2019 for real. I want to send two short messages. With the first, we are summoning all professors, theologians that were outcasted by Sulejman Rexepi, and in the future they will be included along with those that are inside, and which have not conducted any crimes, I give them my word that no one will lose their job as they shall be promoted and we shall provide better work conditions – said Buzaku

He gave 72 hours to Rexepi to lodge his resignation or otherwise he has “terrible evidence and facts that will astound people”.

The problems at IVZ started when Buzaku proclaimed himself to be the new head, but Rexepi received support from the Riyasat.

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