
The Margins coalition: We demand a public apology from the rayes Rexepi for the gay people


After yesterday’s statement by the Head of the Islamic Religious Community (IRC) Sulejan Rexepi that there is no room for gay people in IRC, the Margins coalition has strongly condemned this homophobic statement.

The NGO sector that is fighting against homophobia and transphobia is demanding that the Rexepi must apologize to gay people and in the future to withhold himself from agitating on any discriminatory basis.

We call upon the Islamic Religious COmmunity through its supervisory organs to start a procedure to hold the Head of the IRC Sulejman Rexepi responsible for the discrimination upon sexual orientation” states the press reaction.

The Network for Protection Against Discrimination and the National Network for Fighting Against Homophobia and Transphobia have send a strong condemnation of Sulejman Rexepi’s statement.

“Since the statement was said in public, it causes damaging consequences for the gay population which are on the margins of our society and everyday they face with exclusions from all aspects of society. Sulejman Rexepi’s religious convictions do not free him from the obligations that according to the constitution he has as a citizen” said the press release.

The NGO sector remind that in most religions various texts and values can be found that call for equality and empathy, but the heads of domestic religious communities choose to interpret the religion as a request for violating the rights of the LGBT people According to them this represents religious fundamentalism and there is no room for it in a democratic society.

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