The Government of North Macedonia will provide financial aid for all broadcasters with money from the COVID19 Crisis Relief Fund in order to help them cover their expenses i.e. fees for the year 2020 towards the operator of the digital terrestrial multiplex, informs the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA).
The total sum planned for this purpose is 31.732.390,00 MKD or 515.974,00 EUR.
The funds will be paid on basis of reports about the dues that will be submitted by the operator of the digital terrestrial multiplex. “In this way, all national, regional and local televisions will be assisted, more specifically concerning digitalization, an aspect seen as especially important and often necessary for uninterrupted functioning during this situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic ” said the MISA.
This article was produced within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory“, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and the Society “Metamorphosis”, with financial support by the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.
The content is sole responsibility of its authors and in no way whatsoever could be understood as a representation of the views of the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.