Vranishkovski released from prison

Deposed bishop Jovan Vranishkovski will be released on Epiphany, 19th of January. Skopje Criminal Court issued a decision on the request of the prison, and, if no one complains, Vranishkovski will be free after 9 days because he meets all legal requirements, i.e. he...

Constitutional amendments approved by the Committee

Committee for Constitutional Affairs today approved the constitutional changes. Members of the Committee voted to define marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman, establishment of international financial zones, the National Bank to be renamed Central Bank of the Republic of...

The second reading of the Law on education at the Assembly

Parliamentary Committee for Education, Science and Sports today, at second reading, should consider the draft law on higher education. The meeting was scheduled for yesterday, but due to possible new proposals for the law, was rescheduled for today. On its agenda, the Committee has seven...

Ban Ki-moon, Obama and the Vatican condemned the attack in France, ISIS praised it

Condemnation of the terrorist attack that occurred today in France at the satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”, in which 12 people were killed, is coming from all over the world. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon assessed the attack as a horrific and senseless crime which...

Professorial plenum demands withdrawal of the amendments to the Law on higher education

The initiative “Professorial plenum” today released a statement saying that they have only one suggestion to the Government for amendments to the Law on higher education (state exam), and it is they to be immediately withdrawn. “Dear Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, with...

PASOK warns Samaras not sound like Golden Dawn

PASOK has warned Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras for the views similar to Golden Dawn on the immigration policies of New Democracy. During yesterday’s visit to Evros, a place which is on the border with Turkey and where most immigrants are entering Greece by...

Gruevski: We invited you to discus, not to delay

The debate on the Law on higher education began in the Assembly, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” and members of “Student plenum” were not a part of it. Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location of...

The debate at the Assembly began, professors refused to participate

The debate on the Law on higher education at the Assembly began, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” didn’t take part in it. Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location for the debate from the hotel “Aleksandar...

Ademi to meet professors on Monday

Minister of Education and Science, Abdilakim Ademi, today sent an invitation to the rector of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “, Velimir Stojkovski, for a meeting at the hotel “Alexander Palace” on Monday. “Guided by the principles of transparency and openness, as part of...

If you haven’t received K-15, report the case to the State Labor Inspectorate!

Two days have passed after the deadline when private companies were obliged to pay recourse for vacation to their employees. Some paid the K-15 during the last year, but many were waiting the last moment of the year. There were some companies that decreased...

Greek left goes to elections divided

  The biggest Greek opposition party SYRIZA didn’t reach an agreement for cooperation and joint participation on the elections with the Democratic Left. Although the position of the Democratic Left during the presidential elections and the constant request for announcing early elections lead to the...

Italian authorities rescue immigrants from the ship “Ezadeen”

Italian Air Force implemented action to rescue hundreds of immigrants from the crewless merchant ship which was abandoned in the Mediterranean by traffickers. One of the immigrants from the ship “Ezadeen”, which travels under the flag of Sierra Leone, sent a message saying that...

Thousands celebrated at minus 10 degrees Celsius at the Ohrid square

Several thousand Ohrid citizens and guests from the Balkan countries welcomed the new 2015 outdoors at -10 ° C, at the square St. Kliment Ohridski. With song and heated brandy from nearby cafes, the party lasted well into the night and finished with impressive fireworks...

Two hundred professors join in “Contra plenum”

Two hundred professors have signed the initiative to support the state exam. It reads that knowledge is the main driving force in every profession, and therefore they are firmly convinced that the introduction of the state exam in higher education will accomplished the sole...

Greek stock market sinks after announcement of elections

Greek stock market sinks after the announcement of early elections in late January. The market share fell to 11.15 percent in just two hours after the Greek Parliament failed to elect President on today’s vote. Greek economic newspaper “Imerisia” reports that the stock market managed...

Greece heads towards snap elections on 25 January

  Greek Parliament didn’t vote a president even in the third final round of elections for head of state. Greek MPs chose early elections instead of a president and replacement for the President Karolos Papoulias. In the following days, by order of the current President Papoulias,...

Students and professors plenum will have an open session in front of the Parliament

Tomorrow at 11 am, in front of the Assembly, “Student plenum” and “Professorial plenum” will organize an open session. Issues of organizing mass demonstrations because of the revolt, as well as the manner of organized resistance to the proposed changes in the Law on...

Seven systemic errors led to the fall of the “King Air”

Seven systemic errors of the pilots contributed to the crash in which President Boris Trajkovski and his team were killed, announced Omer Kulik, president of team examining the accident, at today’s press conference. The aircraft descended below the minimum allowed altitude, weather conditions were unfavorable,...

Assembly, without a quorum, didn’t remove mandates of SDSM

Assembly didn’t have two-thirds majority to start voting for removal of 31 mandates of opposition MPs. Only 65 MPs were present in the hall, and two-thirds majority, i.e. 82 MP, is needed to revoke the mandates. The meeting was not attended by all MPs of the...

BAS project is proof that “wolf can change its fur, but not its character”

Institute for Macedonian language “Krste Misirkov” today harshly reacted to the project of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), according to which, Macedonian language and dialects are an integral part of the Bulgarian dialectology. As previously reported by META, on 8th of December, BAS promoted...