At the meeting with the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce said that he has made a decision to dismiss all of the presidents of SDSM’s municipal branches and that is a part of the start of the changes that the citizens are expecting.
– I want to thank everyone for their activities, the work and the people’s company, as representatives of the biggest ruling party on a local level, including all those presidents of municipality organizations where a victory was won at the elections. I appeal again to run again at the next bid which will be published next week – said Zaev.
The prime minister said that during the first half of June they shall announce the changes that will occur at public enterprises, the ministries and the government, and that next week he shall have a meeting with DUI’s President, Ali Ahmeti, since by the end of the week there will be talks on the rank among the political parties.
-I made the decision and last night I announced it in coordination with my colleagues. The final decision is that all presidents at the municipal organizations to resign and immediately the organs of the party will make a decision for a procedure for electing new managements.
I believe that this will cause a renewal of the complete ambient of people that were overtly exposed. They exist only as a good ring in the chain for overcoming and solving citizens’ problems, with a final goal to learn from our weaknesses and to be even better for the period in front of us – said Zaev.
He said that he started from the municipal organizations because it was the most simple way i.e. the statute allows him to make that decision and for other changes, it depends on decisions made by SDSM’s organs.
-Certainly, there will be decisions for changes in the highest leadership, among other higher organs and bodies of the party, literally on every level -said Zaev.