North Macedonia’s ruling party with a motion to forbid political parties to spread hatred and promote nazism
SDSM, North Macedonia's ruling party proposed motion for amending the Law on Political Parties to increase transparency and oblige the parties to distance themselves from the fascism, Nazism and national socialism, but also from ethnic intolerance and spreading hatred. The draft law will allow greater transparency, both for the current and future political parties, and guarantee the legal well...
North Macedonia prime minister Zoran Zaev resigns after local elections defeat
Zoran Zaev, the incumbent prime minister of North Macedonia yesterday in a late night press conference resigned from his prime ministerial post and also from the post of the president of the SDSM political party, after the defeat of his party in the second round of the local elections. However, he remains adamant that early parliamentary elections are not...
Hristijan Mickoski will try to collect signatures to postpone the census, SDSM defiant
Opposition party VMRO-DPMNE announced it will not recognize the results from the census in North Macedonia if it is implemented according to the draft law for the census that entered the parliament today.
Party's president Hristijan Mickoski announced during a press conference that the party will start with collecting signatures for the adoption of a new draft law that will...
A week full of suspense, pre-election bluffs and white lies in Macedonia
The suspense around the calling the elections this past week again rose the temperature among the Macedonian political public to fever pitch. The former Prime Minister and President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, announced that it is possible for the early parliamentary elections to be postponed and the biggest opposition party stroke back with an initiative for dissolving the Parliament.
Седмица на несигурност, предизборен блъф и видими заплахи
Несигурността относно свикването на изборите през отминаващата седмица отново засили атмосферата в македонската политическа общественост. Бившият премиер и лидер на СДСМ, Зоран Заев тези дни (03.02.2020) обяви, че е възможно отлагане на провеждането на предсрочните парламентарни избори, насрочени за 12 април, а най-голямата опозиционна партия отвърна с инициатива за разпускане на Парламента.
Заев „сложи“ на масата възможността за отлагане на...
SDSM accepts Nakje Chulev as the new interim Interior Minister
VMRO-DPMNE's proposal, Nakje Chulev to be the interim Interior Minister is acceptable for SDSM, informs the party.
"Chulev is a civilian and there aren't any charges against him, which meets the constitutional criteria. This proposal by VMRO-DPMNE doesn't violate the Constitution. This proposal meets the conditions and it will go for voting at the Parliament together with the whole...
Zekir Ramchilovic elected as the new Vice President of the Parliament.
Independent MEP Zekir Ramchilovic was elected as Vice President of the Parliament. At the 116th session, 62 MPs voted in favor of while 12 were against.
Ramchilovic will take over after Vesel Memedi's resignation upon proposal by MPs from DUI and SDSM.
The President of the Parliament, Talat Xhafer announced that the session will continue tomorrow.
Zaev and Mickoski didn’t cut a deal about SPO, the leadership meeting is a failure
After more than seven hours of negotiations at the leadership meeting between Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski including SDSM's and VMRO-DPMNE's teams about he amendments to the Law on Public Prosecution with which the fate of the Special Public Prosecution (SPO) will be decided upon and it will lead to its transformation, both sides weren't able to reach an...
Over 40 amendments lodged to the draft-law on public prosecution
The political parties have lodged over 40 amendments about the draft law on public prosecution that was discussed today at the session of the Committee for European Affairs. The opposition party VMRO-DPMNE has lodged around 20 amendments, SDSM has lodged 16, DUI 10 while 3 were lodged by MP Surija Rashiti.
The Committee's president, Artan Grubi called for a...
Avalanche of reactions on Government’s announcement of its involvement in the fight against disinformation
The Government's announcement for opening a front against fake news and disinformation spreading through social networks and traditional media has caused an avalanche of reactions among the general public. The opposition recognized a censorship intent towards the media and the government's initiative was confronted with criticism and calls for carefulness from representatives of media organizations.
Immediately after Prime Minister Zoran...
VMRO-DPMNE demands Janeva, Fetai and other members of SPO to be removed by a law
The opposition party VMRO-DPMNE states that the new proposed law for the Special Public Prosecution will not be demanding amnesty for the accused but it will suggest a procedure according to which SPO's current team, led by Katica Janeva, will be removed, informs Portalb.
-We are certainly proposing a new SPO team as no one can work eternally. In...
Poll: One third of the citizens do not trust any politician
Up to 30.1 % f the citizens do not trust any of the politicians, and those that still believe the politicians the most part (18.3%) have opted for the Prime Minister and a President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev.
Second most popular is VMRo-DPMNE's President Hristijan Mickosk with 11.7% and third on the list is the runaway former Prime Minister...
Ljupco Nikolovski is SDSM’s new Secretary General
Ljupco Nikolovski is SDSM's new Secretary General, informed last night Prime Minister Zoran Zaev after Central Board's meeting, within which changes were done.
"Ljupco Nikolovski will not be a Minister at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy anymore. He is one of the more successful ministers in our government. All of the citizens know that with all...
Zaev dismissed all of SDSM’s presidents in its municipal branches
At the meeting with the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce said that he has made a decision to dismiss all of the presidents of SDSM's municipal branches and that is a part of the start of the changes that the citizens are expecting.
- I want to thank everyone for their activities, the work and the people's company, as representatives...
Special Prosecutor Janeva and her team hope they will continue with their work for another mandate
When today's meeting about the destiny of the SPO between the Minister of Justice, Renata Deskoska and VMRO-DPMNE's negotiator, Toni Menkinoski, ended with an agreement for another round of talks on Friday, SPO's leading prosecutor, Katica Janeva said that she wants her and her team to remain on board and to work for another mandate.
She expects that the...
Кампанията започна с йога, политика и математика
В самото начало на кампанията за президентските избори в Северна Македония, има разбира се, много политика, но и много математика и ... малко забавление.
Гласоподавателите на 21 април в първия тур ще избират между трима кандидати Стево Пендаровски - кандидат, подкрепен от управляващата партия СДСМ, Гордана Силяновска - Давкова, която се определя като независим кандидат, но получи подкрепата на опозиционната...
Kiracovski is SDSM’s campaign staff head
SDSM's general Secretary, Aleksandar Kiracovski was chosen to be the head of the campaign staff at the forthcoming presidential elections, informs the ruling party.
The party also informs that the campaign staff, together with the remaining political parties that will be supporting the joint presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski, is ready to organize a positive, principled, calm and dignified election...
Srpski RTS izgubljen u kalendaru: stranka VMRO-DPMNE izabrala predsedničkog kandidata
Srpski radio difuzni servis RTS je sinoć na svojoj internet stranici objavio vest o jučerašnjem razgovoru predsednika stranke SDSM, Zorana Zaeva, i predsednika stranke DUI, Alija Ahmetija, u kome su se oba partnera vladajuće koalicije dogovorili da na predsedničke izbore 21. aprila nastupe sa zajedničkim kandidatom.
Ovu informaciju RTS-a je preuzelo više portala bez provere.
Prenoseći napise u makedonskim medijima o...
Със закриването на Специалната прокуратура, в Македония ще угасне и надеждата за правова държава
Върховния съд на Македония, като върховна съдебна инстанция в страната, с последното спорно правно становище изглежда, че закри всички искри надежда, че предводниците на режима на беглеца бивш министър-претдседател Никола Груевски ще бъдат изправени пред правосъдието. След това решение на всички тези хиляди граждани, които скандираха "Няма справедливост - няма мир!" маршируващи в "Цветната революция" в подкрепа на Специалната...
Пак избори в Македония, този път президентски
В Република Македония през април ще се проведат шестите президентски избори. Изборите за президент, както предвижда Конституцията на Република Македония, трябва да се насрочат 60 дни преди изтичането на мандата на досегашния държавен глава. На настоящият президент Георге Иванов втория петгодишен мандат му изтича на 12 май.
Въпреки, че досега нито една политическа партия не е излязла със собствен кандидат...