Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras will have a TV address to the nation today on the occassion of the end of the country’s financial crisis. Tsipras symbolically chose Ithaca island in the Ionian Sea, the home of Odysseus, which he struggles to find in his well known aruduous 10-year journey after the Trojan War.
With it Tsipras will mark the end of the third financial rescue programe for Greece, after 8 years of austerity measures.
In the meantime, reshuffle of the cabinet is expected by tomorrow, in order to calm down the criticism.
EU Economic and Financial Affairs commissioner Piere Moscovici insisted that reforms must be adhered and that the government should ensure in the post bail out era that commitments will be upheld.
European Commissioner President Jean Claude Junker said he always fought for Greece to remain at the heart of Europe.
All the Greek newspapers today annonce the TV address and point out that Tsipras shelved plans for grand fiestas and celebrations due to the 96 deaths in the Attica wildfire.