Today, the appeals submitted by Goran Grujovski, Toni Jakimovski and Nikola Boskovski will be decided in a closed session at the Supreme Court, after the Appellate Court of Skopje ruled that the three suspects be remanded into custody.
The Appellate Court approved the appeal made by the Special Prosecutor’s Office, which was against the Criminal Court’s ruling and their decision on precautionary measures, such as the confiscation of their passports. The Appellate Court approved the appeal and now will be deciding whether the three will be remanded into custody.
Grujovski, a former head of the ‘fifth administration’ UBK, Jakimovski – the former head of cabinet of UBK’s ex-director, Sasho Mijalkov, and Nikola Boskovski – an employee at UBK, are the only defendants in the cases led by the SPO, to receive such a ruling as custody.
Grujovski, Jakimovski and Boskovski are being charged in the “Fortress” and “Target” cases for wiretapping and destroying evidence connected to the wiretapping equipment.
Today, the Criminal Council of the Supreme Court, chaired by President Jovo Vangelovski is meant to be deciding on their appeals. Members of the council are judges Riste Katevenovski, Faik Arslani, Xhemali Saiti and judge Racilka Stojkovska, who was absent on sick leave.