The Voter’s List which was uploaded to the State Election website this morning is experiencing technical problems with people unable to access it. The option whereby citizens could check to see if they’re on the list and which polling station to go to and vote, is currently not available. Every time one clicks on the icon to check the list, the page redirects back to the official website of the SEC.
The list on the SEC website was submitted by the State Statistical Office on January 25 of this year.
This happened after information appeared from Kalina Zografska, a computer engineer, who on her blog claimed that many things were overlooked, and the the electoral roll remains open for a 100 percent takeover, along with all the personal data of all citizens.
“ID numbers, names and the region of ones residence with just a little bit of playing with code and data are available to anyone, . This leaves room for someone to obtain data just by guessing ones ID number, on addresses, businesses, target age groups, get information of citizens residences, of all their potential customers, parties, and business lobby groups have a copy of the voters’ list, and this way they can and target voters and communicate with voters”, Kalina said on her blog.
However, Biljana Jovanovska, a spokeswoman from the SEC, said that access to the electoral roll does not work currently, and the problem is likely to be with the internet connection.