Tags United Macedonia

Tag: United Macedonia

Membership is shifting from one pro-Russian party to another in North Macedonia

In the two Macedonian parties with a pro-Russian ideology, “Rodina Makedonija” and “Obedineta Makedonija”, there has been turbulence in the recent period, that is, over 240 founders from “Rodina Macedonia” submitted to the Constitutional Court a request to leave the party, and for it to be deleted from the register of parties. One of the petitioners of this request...

Janko Bačev Shares an Unfounded Statement by Fidel Castro about the Next War in Europe

The leader of the political party “United Macedonia”, Janko Bačev, shared on his Facebook profile a statement allegedly made by the former president of Cuba, Fidel Castro. However, even though Castro never said anything like Bačev claims, this post has gone viral with 180 shares and over 1,000 reactions, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the syndicating agreement between Truthmeter.mk and Meta.mk, we...

Russian Propaganda in Macedonia in 2018: “United Macedonia” as a “Pawn” of “United Russia”

The recent expulsion of five Russian diplomats is not the first expulsion of Russian diplomats from Macedonia. For the first time, Macedonia expelled a Russian diplomat in 2018, when not only the intensified Russian propaganda influence was noticeable, but also an attempt for Russian political influence by supporting the Macedonian clone of “United Russia”, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the syndicating agreement...

Truthmeter.mk: Janko Bachev’s pro-Russian party a part of VMRO-DPMNE’s pressure on small parties

Truthmeter.mk published the original text. Meta.mk is republishing it below under the syndicating agreement:   Janko Bacev’s openly pro-Russian non-parliamentary political party sent a statement to the public entitled “United Macedonia to DS, LDP, DOM and VMRO-NP: If you really want one constituency, seize the chance given by VMRO-DPMNE.” They call on the Democratic Union led by Pavle Trajanov, the Democratic Renewal...

United Macedonia: Bad local elections results a result of our self-sacrifice for VMRO-DPMNE

The pro-Russian party "United Macedonia" says that that its bad results at the last local elections in North Macedonia, among other things, are due to their "self-sacrifice" and support of VMRO-DPMNE's candidates. As was announced by the party, the party resident Janko Bachev had a meeting with the 33 election lists leaders and had discussions about the election results and...