United Macedonia: Bad local elections results a result of our self-sacrifice for VMRO-DPMNE


The pro-Russian party “United Macedonia” says that that its bad results at the last local elections in North Macedonia, among other things, are due to their “self-sacrifice” and support of VMRO-DPMNE’s candidates.

As was announced by the party, the party resident Janko Bachev had a meeting with the 33 election lists leaders and had discussions about the election results and the reasons why they had just 5.120 votes in total. Apart from certain subjective weaknesses, at the meeting certain objective reasons for failing to achieve better results were also noted.

“For example, at the local elections, the party consciously self-sacrificed itself by withdrawing its already selected mayoral candidates in 15 municipalities and the support it provided for VMRO-DPMNE’s mayors,” United Macedonia says.

The party clarifies that doing so, it didn’t want to cause any damage with the election of the mayors, because of the majority election system where a mayor will be the one with one vote more than the others.

“…because an opposition unity and solidarity was needed for the mayoral candidates proposed by VMRO-DPMNE,” United Macedonia says.

Therefore, before the elections they have announced that these aren’t the usual local elections and that “the 17th of October will mark the fall of a puppet government that is drowned in lawlessness, corruption, crime, nepotism and national treason.”

“And now, after the elections are over, this fall is evident,” said United Macedonia.

The party stated the fact that there were more than 60,000 non-valid ballots as a second reason for the bad results. it considers that most of these ballots had the number 19 – the number of the party’s councillors lists. “United Macedonia” also complained that it didn’t receive the necessary media space for propaganda of its own lists with candidates.

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