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Regional landfill in Sveti Nikole: why should it be European, when it can be illegal

Sixteen non-standard municipal landfills and dozens of illegal dumps full of all sorts of waste, without a fence or protection, scattered almost near every inhabited area, in the rivers, beside agricultural plots, roads, or forests, is the truthful image of the Eastern and North-Eastern region of Macedonia, but also of the entire country. These two regions are the first...

Disinformation surrounding the project of the first regional landfill: Neither medical nor hazardous waste will be incinerated in Sveti Nikole

No type of waste will be burnt in the regional landfill in village Meckuevci in the Municipality Sveti Nikole. The facility, that should represent the first landfill fulfilling European standards in the country, will have just two installations for secondary selection of paper, plastic, glass, wood and metal, thereby treating and depositing municipal waste. The landfill in Sveti Nikole...

Over 40,000 tons of lindane stored without any protection in vicinity of capital of North Macedonia

The tests undertaken by the Ministry of Environment of North Macedonia at Pelenica, located next to the Skopje suburb of Drachevo, showed high concentration of lindane (HCH) covered by waste glass. The hazardous waste from the former chemical industry complex OHIS was not placed in concrete pools, as is the case with the two landfills in OHIS’s yard, which...

Organic food production in North Macedonia is underdeveloped, young people should be educated on healthy food

Organic food production in North Macedonia is constantly decreasing, although the demand for organic products is growing from year to year. According to the data of the State Statistical Office, in the last decade, the areas dedicated for organic production have been steadily decreasing. Not once have they surpassed one percent of the overall agricultural area in the country,...

While the citizens of North Macedonia breathe pollution, diesel consumption breaks all records [Infographic]

The “competition” of Skopje and the other cities in North Macedonia in breaking the world records for air pollution has commenced. While the data from “Iqair” indicates that Skopje is at the top of the world list of air pollution, together with the Asian cities New Delhi, Hanoi, Lahore or Calcutta, but also some cities in the Balkans such...

For the fifth year in a row, EU with criticism about air pollution in North Macedonia, no remarkable progress noted

In 2022, just like in the previous years, the European Commission (EC) in its Report on North Macedonia's progress in the EU integration process, once again came up with criticism about air pollution in North Macedonia. In the chapter "Environment and climate change", EU pinpointed the acceleration of the efforts to cut air pollution, both on local and national...

Buses in Riga do not have segregated seats for Russians

A Facebook post misinforms about the alleged segregationist policy of Riga’s public transport company. It falsely claims that Russian-speaking passengers are required to sit in the back of the bus. The transport company “Rīgas satiksme” (Riga Transport) has denied this claim. Latvia’s state news agency LETA reported that police have launched an investigation into alleged stickers on public transport...

The number of wildfires in North Macedonia decreases in 2022, the area destroyed this year dozens of times smaller than last year

After the catastrophic wildfires that engulfed North Macedonia's forests last year, the situation with wildfire prevention in the country this year has improved drastically. During the first 6 months of 2022, 69 wildfires were registered and an area of 733.02 hectares was burned, with 4 621 cubic meters of wood damaged, the Public Enterprise (PE) "Nacionalni shumi" (National Forests)...

Greenhouse gas emissions in North Macedonia are on the rise instead of declining

After reaching the historically lowest record of greenhouse gas emissions in 2016, Macedonia unfortunately increased the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere that are contributing to climate change's negative effects. The Energy sector is at the forefront of this negative rise. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!==e.data){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in e.data)for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){if(t.contentWindow===e.source)t.style.height=e.data+"px"}}}))}(); According to the last data - from 2019, published in the...

The wolf still considered a pest and a legal target in North Macedonia, rewards given for its killing

The wolf in North Macedonia is still considered a pest. He is one of the three big predators inhabiting the country’s mountains, together with the bear and the Balkan Lynx, but is least protected. This animal is still a legal target, for whose killing the hunters get money rewards, although the domestic environmental associations are alerting that the wolf...

North Macedonia’s authorities must provide money to solve the problem with the deposited arsenic at Lojane and the gypsum at Zgropolci

The State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) of North Macedonia is conducting inspections and reports its findings on old environmental pollution to the Ministry of Environment. However, it has no other obligations related to environmental hot spots. "The ministry should secure assets for these locations to be adequately fenced off and marked, as well as to provide assets for their remediation. The...

Solar energy production must not leave North Macedonia without food

Building solar farms and using solar radiation to produce electricity is one of the most effective ways to reduce North Macedonia's dependency on imported electricity. The anticipated energy crisis once again reminded us how much the country is lagging behind in exploiting and investing in alternative energy sources, especially the sun, a resource that we have in abundance. The...

After Meta.mk’s article on the gypsum landfill near Zgropolci, the Environmental Inspectorate of North Macedonia did a field inspection

There are no warning signs, the landfill hasn't been fenced off, there is no people presence in the surroundings, but there is an access dirt road to the landfill, where goat and sheep droppings can be seen. Those are some of the findings in the proceedings of the field inspection conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate (DIZS) of North...

Lake Prespa loses its water and dies out, protection measures to be implemented within the next six years

The wide sandy beaches of Lake Prespa in the very south of the Republic of North Macedonia are ideal for tourists in the summer months, but only until the visitors decide to replace sunbathing with swimming in the lake. Silt, algae, muddy and shallow water are everyday experience of the visitors at Lake Prespa, and the dire situation with...

Matka Canyon near Skopje to be re-declared a natural monument by the end of the year

The Matka Canyon, near Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, still awaits its re-declaration as a natural monument and the genuine protection of its rarities. The Ministry of Environment is currently working on appending the text of the draft law for declaring the Matka Canyon a natural monument, after receiving the written remarks from Skopje City Hall, Saraj Municipality...

Skopje City Hall rejects the Bus Rapid Transit System, but with the budget rebalance, money were withdrawn for new public transport solution

Skopje citizens will not feel the convenience of a Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT), as the Skopje City Hall refuses to implement the €70 million project, the funds for it already being provisioned through a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The previous leadership of the capital of North Macedonia in October last year announced the...

The crisis slowed down the import of used vehicles in North Macedonia

With the increase in oil prices, the energy crisis has led to a decrease in the import of vehicles from abroad due to the lower demand. In Macedonia, during the first 6 months of 2022, a total of 10,666 cars, trucks, and buses were imported, while 3,272 were imported as new vehicles. The data provided by the Customs Services showcase...

Poisoning wild animals has exterminated two types of vultures in North Macedonia, the institutions have to start issuing fines

The poisoning of wild animals is considered a specific type of felony in North Macedonia and in these cases, the institutions have to act in accordance with previously set protocols. Taking into account that the country has very little experience for these situations, protocols are of key importance for solving and lowering the occurrence of incidents where poisons have...

Austrian Strabag AG and Turkish Gulermak selected to build the railway from North Macedonia to Bulgaria

The Austrian company Strabag AG was selected to build the railway line from Kumanovo to Beljakovce while the Turkish company Gülermak will be building the second phase of the line starting from Beljakovce to Kriva Palanka of the railway corridor 8 toward Bulgaria. The agreements for building both phases of the railway line were signed today which is a...

Plastic bags sales in North Macedonia garnered €720,0000, the money will be used for waste selection

The sale of the biodegradable plastic bags in North Macedonia in just four months – from the 1st of December 2021 to the end of March 2022 brought MKD44.7 million, or over €720,000, to the state’s coffers, says the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) for Meta.mk. The calculations and the payments by the retailers from the plastic...