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Inspectorate: There are no computers or equipment, so there are no IT classes in schools

Due to the non-functional class of information technology, teachers are unable to realize (Information and Communications Technology) in their teaching. This was stated in the latest report by education inspectors, who also recommended that schools find a way to solve the issue of greater use of computers in lessons. Since schools do not have the ability to buy computer devices...

The highways from Blace to Pristina (Arben Xhaferi) and through the Grdelica canyon will be open for use by the end of this month

Izvor: Ministerstvo za gradeznistvo, transport i infrastruktura na Srbija
Starting from the end of May, Macedonian citizens will be able to travel to Serbia and Kosovo by using two new highways. Both countries, almost simultaneously, are finishing up the building of two highways that will provide faster traveling to Pristina and Nish. The Serbian Minister of Building, Transportation and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlovic announced today that in the...

New expressway to be built from Bitola to Greece and will exit on the Ionian Sea

After several years of announcements, the country has finally decided to start designing the new expressway from Bitola to the Macedonian-Greek border. Greece has built a new expressway a few years ago to the border and is waiting for the Macedonian authorities to complete their work in order to operate the Pan-European Corridor 10d. The next expressway from Bitola...

Distribution of gas to be carried out through public-private partnership

At the 131st session, the Government adopted a decision to establish a Commission for the implementation of a procedure for awarding a Public-Private Partnership Agreement for the construction of a new system for the distribution of natural gas throughout the territory. "The Commission aims to implement an entire procedure for awarding the contract for the establishment of a public-private partnership...

Macedonia rises 14 places in the World Press Freedom Index (info-graphic)

Macedonia is at 95th place in the latest World Press Freedom Index by "Reporters without Borders" (RWB), thus jumping 14 places compared to the previous report, about 2018. With this, Macedonia fares better than the neighboring Bulgaria, which is an EU member and is at 111th place. The Reports without Borders main objection for this year concerning Macedonia is the...

In 18 years, a decline of 40 million passengers using public transportation (infographic)

Извор на фотографија: Општина Прилеп
The number of transported persons by the public transportation in Macedonia has been dropping through the years, but nevertheless, more and more Macedonian municipalities are deciding to introduce regular public transportation in the cities. The data provided by the State Statistical Bureau indicate that last year 71.400.000 passengers have used urban or suburban transport, while in the year 2000,...

City of Skopje will introduce a new automated system for bike rental

Instead of renting a bike with ID at the "Gradski Parking" parking lots, Skopje will receive an automated system for renting these means of transportation at 30 various locations throughout the city. The city authorities plans to introduce a public system for the self-renting of 450 bikes, that will be equipped with a positioning system (GPS). Citizens who wish to...

Eight years on and Skopje is still waiting for free parking for vehicles from other cities

Even though "Park and Drive" was included as a project in 2011 in the first plan for sustainable transport of the City of Skopje, the concept to this day has not been introduced to our metropolis. The project by which cities in developed countries solve the problem of traffic congestion in their city centres has not been carried out...

We only have half of the required number of firefighters

The country possess only half of the required number of professional firefighters in territorial firefighting units, according to data from the Directorate for Protection and Rescue. At the end of last year, we had 747 firefighters, or one to 2,778 inhabitants. The standards set by the Law on Firefighting, requires that there should be one fireman to no more than...

Macedonian soldiers will go on compulsorily NATO missions

The Ministry of Defense is preparing a draft law amending the Law on Defense, which define the rules for engagement for our soldiers on NATO missions. "This draft law will allow the deployment of members of the Republic of North Macedonia outside the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia in NATO operations and missions on a compulsorily basis, as...

While Albania builds, Macedonia waits for funds for a rail link

Albania is actively involved in the construction of the railroad from Corridor 8 in its part of the territory. On the move from Tirana to Durres, construction work is already under way, and in the final stage for the selection of a contractor for the reconstruction is the railway from Durrës to Elbasan. The Director of the Public Railway Infrastructure...

Tender announced for acquisition of a fence for the illegal lindane dump in Pelenica

The Ministry of Environment and Planning has announced a tender for acquiring a fence in order to fence off the illegal lindane dump in Pelenica. The tender was initially announced for the end of 2018, and then for the end of January this year or on the 11th of March and it was finally announced on the 22nd of March. The...

The rise and fall of the railroad – train travel in the last three decades has decreased by 12 times (video)

The expressions of immense happiness when we await someone close, the goodbyes said through tears with those that are traveling far away, sending people in the army or to studies abroad, the kisses, the hugs, the laughter, cannot be seen anymore at the platforms of one of the biggest railway stations in the Balkans. At the Railway station in Skopje,...

ARM revokes “authorization” from members who spread fake news, while disciplinary procedures come to an end

ARM has revoked "certain authorization" from the two of its members suspected of spreading fake news, discovered by Belgian investigative journalist Maarten Schenk. Against the two, who are a Major-Officer for security and a professional soldier, the ARM has announced other sanctions after the formal completion of the disciplinary procedure. "One member was withdrawn from a mission in Bosnia and...

NATO flag raised, Zaev says the country has taken charge of its own destiny

At the official ceremony in front of the Government building, the NATO flag was raised this morning marking a historical event following the signing of the Accession Protocol for Macedonia's NATO membership last Wednesday, which triggered the final steps to full-fledged NATO membership under the name North Macedonia. In the presence of almost the entire government cabinet, the ARM General Staff,...

New legal changes are underway to make vaccines a prerequisite for school enrollment

The government is considering all legal aspects and legal enactments regarding vaccination as a prerequisite for enrolling at kindergarten and school. The Ministry of Health has explained for Meta agency that due to certain appeasements at this moment, even the children that were not vaccinated to enroll at school, but that mustn't continue. -Taken into account that for several...

Macedonian Army purchased 14.000 sets of uniforms today and will receive them in March next year

The Ministry of Defense announced today that it has concluded a purchase of 14.000 sets of military uniforms. For the amount of 840.000 euros, Macedonian Army (ARM) should receive sets consisting of a hat, coat, and pants that were manufactured in accordance with its specifications. The acquisition, which main criterion was the lowest price, was given to a company from...

Ministry of Education banned all excursions near the lindane landfill

the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) has sent a notification at the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MES) not to organize any excursions in the areas of Pelenica, Drachevo, the location for which Meta wrote that there is an unmarked landfill containing the cancerous lindane that originates from OHIS factory. "The Ministry of Education and Science received...

Government to clean toxic waste in OHIS with foreign support

Ministers from yesterday's government session have accepted the information on the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway represented by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway for Serbia and Montenegro, for the...

Anti-Corruption Commission not working for 7,5 months while Parliament debates new law

The Anti-Corruption Commission, the key state body for the prevention of corruption and conflict of interests, has not been working for seven and a half months, since last March when the president, Igor Tanturovski resigned, and from 2 April members were "sent" on vacation indefinitely. The Parliamentary Committee on Political System and Inter-Community Relations held a public debate today on...