Tags медиуми

Tag: медиуми

AJM: Steep fall of media freedom and worsening of the journalists’ status

“In 2016, the government has used all of the government’s available instruments to limit the freedom of speech and to control the media. It is awarding the docile media with public assets while the critical journalists are constantly attacked and are exposed to various types of pressure said Naser Selmani, the president of the Association of Journalists in Macedonia...

Monitoring by IKS: “Sitel”, “Kanal 5”, “Alfa” and “Nova TV” are propagandistic television stations

Monitoring of television news coverage conducted from September 2017-February 2017, showed that in the media there are four commercial television stations who could be called propagandistic, this was the conclusion from today’s conference organized by the Institute for Communication Studies (IKS). “The television stations we are discussing are “Sitel”, “Kanal 5”, “Alfa” and “TV Nova”, who during the monitoring period...

DZLP has received requests to probe online media and newspapers, requests personal data to be deleted

Last week the Directorate for Personal Data Protection (DZLP) received more initiatives to perform inspections on the media, and online information portals "to determine violations of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data". The Directorate has indicated to all online portals and print media that they are required to initiate the deletion of personal data, ie minimizing the volume...

Gruevski reveals cure for Soros, and reading Trump’s book while on holiday

On the holy night of the "mega-interview" for the online edition of the weekly news portal "Republika", VMRO-DPMNE leader, Nikola Gruevski dedicated a huge part of the interview on the dispute with "George Soros and all the millions that he poured into Macedonia" and with the "corrupt journalists, media owners, professors, intellectuals, analysts, activists, led by professional protesters". “If it...

Portals which experienced connection problems this morning are now online, “Unet” will issue a detailed statement regarding the problem

This morning, Macedonian portals had connection problems after their internet was down due to problems from the provider "UNET", however, they were back online by 13:00pm. Aneta Peseva, the General Manager at "UNET" stated for "Meta" that on Monday they will have more detailed information about the technical reasons as to why the problems occurred. “During the early hours of the...

Ad hoc body during half their mandate: As elections get closer, reporting worsens

Media reporting has worsened on the fifth of the total of ten periods the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Service have for supervision until the scheduled elections on December 11. Halfway through the mandate of the ad hoc body, members have concluded that the media, rather from improving, reporting has worsened. One good thing is that the members of...

Gruevski: We accepted everything the SDSM have asked, only so elections will be held on December 11

The leader of the VMRO-DPMNE party, Nikola Gruevski left today's leaders’ meeting early at the MPs clubhouse where details are being discussed regarding the elections which are expected to be held in December. He said that his party had accepted all conditions the SDSM had proposed only so they will not have the opportunity of postponing the elections again. “Once again,...

Ad hoc body for the media at a standstill, meetings continue on Monday

The members of the temporary ad hoc body for monitoring the work of the media during the election campaign, still have not reached an agreement over the fifth member. Meetings will continue from Monday. The four members did not reach a consensus nor did they manage to reach the deadline for selecting the fifth member which was on Wednesday, who...

Howitt for “Meta”: Macedonia is in a dangerous and unstable position

MEP and one of the mediators of the Przino Agreement, Richard Howitt in an interview for "Meta", said that responsibility of the future of Macedonia is in the hands of the Macedonians politicians. He noted that the country is in a dangerous and unstable condition, and that politicians in Skopje, after yesterday's warnings from Brussels, should reconsider in which direction...

Video-clips of Boskoski’s arrest have disappeared from the internet

Video and text articles from reports of the arrest of Ljube Boskoski on June 6, 2011, have mysteriously disappeared from the websites of the TV stations that at the time, had reported on the sensational story of the events outside restaurant "Vodenica". Yesterday, Katica Janeva's team of prosecutors announced that they have opened an official investigation dubbed "Tortura" and have filed charges against...

Zaev: We will try and attract more of the undecideds voters

SDSM is committed to working, and stand behind its views on ensuring fair and democratic elections, said today the leader of the opposition Zoran Zaev, at a public debate with young people in Bitola. “I am preparing the party and our members for elections, and I hope we will animate a large number of undecided voters, who will then give...

Special Public Prosecution declares law suits for slander and insult

The Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) in a statement to the public expressed concern about the way certain media have been reporting, connected with their work and that of  the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva. Despite the denial by certain media the SPP announced the initiation of civil proceedings for defamation and insult, as well as criminal proceedings for 'false reporting of...

SDSM will withdraw their objections over the SEC, if VMRO-DPMNE accepts proposals on the media from the International Community

We will withdraw our objections we have for the methodology of the renewal of the voters' list, if VMRO-DPMNE agree to accept the proposals from the International Community to reform the media, said Damian Manchevski from SDSM. “If this is not acceptable to VMRO-DPMNE, then they really do not want to hold fair and democratic elections." Manchevski clarified that proposals from...

Selmani: Blocked negotiations over the media is the Governments fault

We do not know whether the negotiations will continue for the media at all. To be honest, I expected this behaviour from the government, because I believe this government needs the media most of all as they are important tools for maintaining power than, lets say, the prosecutor or the dismissal of a several ministerial positions, because the system...

“Kanal 77”: They go not give us permission, because they fear a new objective TV

The government, through the Agency of Audio and Audiovisual Services, which is under its control, carefully chooses to whom they grant permission for a new TV channel. "Kanal 77" for the third time have been rejected by the agency, and every time they request for a publishing license for television program services which is a predominantly informative general format, according to the...

“Vest” appeals to the International Community: The Government wants to shut us down

The Editorial collegiate of the daily newspaper "Vest" appealed to the international community regarding the latest developments with the newspaper with the contract ending of its Chief Editor Goran Mihajlovski. The appeal predicted that amid the negotiations on the freedom of the media under the Przhino Agreement, editorial staff are faced with a political attempt to close down the newspaper...

Plomp: The clock is ticking until elections

In the weekly interview show on “Radio Slobodna Evropa” the Dutch Ambassador W. Wouter Plomp was this weeks guest. He said during the interview that the clock is now ticking until elections, and it is extremely important for an agreement to be made for the media. Ambassador W. Plomp says that in connection with the Special Prosecutor all institutions involved...

Vanhoutte presented a draft law for the Media Agency

Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte at today's briefing with reporters said that at the negotiations, the proposal presented to the International Community for the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media, were going very slowly. Mr Vanhoutte said the law would apply less restrictions and penalties and would encourage the media to be more professional. He also added that it is envisaged...

British expert to solve the problems with the media

"An interesting meeting," was the brief comment of the facilitator of the negotiations the parties signed in the Przhino Agreement, Peter van Houte, about today's talks discussing the situation in the media. At the beginning of the meeting, Richard Bailey a media expert gave a presentation on the situation in the British Broadcasting Service "BBC ". At the meeting of the...

Hahn requests greater media freedom from Balkan governments

In a video address to the regional conference of BIRN in Sarajevo "Challenges to media freedom," EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn sated that the situation of media freedom on the Balkans causes great concern and demands immediate attention. Hahn said that freedom of the media on the Balkans remains a point of particular concern for the European Commission, especially the...