Tags Israel

Tag: Israel

Old video of a protest in Istanbul shared as new one after Rafah attack on the 26th of May

Turkish media did not report a single protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul following the Rafah airstrike on the 26th of May. The Demiroren News Agency reported on the 27th of May that an anti-Israeli group chanted slogans outside the US Consulate in the Southern Turkish city of Adana, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk...

The World Health Organization is not killing children in Gaza

Phото: who.int It is not true that the World Health Organization is killing children in Gaza. On the contrary, WHO representatives are constantly delivering medical and non-medical aid to Gaza, where hospitals have been demolished and conditions for medical treatment are dreadful. WHO collects donations for Gaza and relentlessly calls for a ceasefire in the region. WHO has representatives on...

Baerbock: Gaza ceasefire should act as bridge to political process

The temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas should be used as a bridge for a political process aimed at finding a lasting solution to the conflict, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said, writes German news agency DPA. "The central thing we are currently struggling for is to see the suffering of others. Because only when the suffering of others can...

Video from 2013 of a hospital in Egypt presented as recorded in the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

Photo: Screenshot from the video This video clip shared on Facebook was not made recently – i.e., not in November 2023, in a hospital in Gaza… It was recorded 10 years ago in a hospital in Cairo. The video clip is inaccurately presented, and the post is omitting the context, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk and Meta.mk, we...

Germany’s Baerbock says Jewish settlers’ West Bank attacks must stop

Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has emphasised Israel's right to self-defence late on Thursday evening at the federal Green Party conference in Karlsruhe in south-western Germany, writes German news agency DPA. Israel had the right and the duty under international humanitarian law to defend its citizens, Baerbock said, adding that Israel will never be able to live in security "if...

The barcode does not signify product’s country of origin

Photo: Gerd Altmann on Pixabay The post we are fact-checking falsely suggests that if the barcode of the product starts with the digits 729, that means that the product was manufactured in Israel, which according to the barcode assigning company is not true. The digit 729 just signifies that the barcode was allocated by an organization in Israel, but the...

Scholz did not feign there was a rocket attack before he left Tel Aviv Airport

Photo: Screenshot of the video One cannot claim that all media were servicing some kind of Netanyahu propaganda as suggested by the post. The videos show that the sirens clearly alarmed for an air raid and rockets could be seen (according to the texts, the rockets were from Israel’s aircraft defense that repelled the rockets from Hamas). According to the...

A manipulation lessens the Ukrainian death toll in the Russian aggression

The post is manipulative and presents false information with the intent to belittle the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Ukrainian death toll. Moreover, somewhat of a comparison is made with the children killed, as an attempt to belittle the number of child victims in Ukraine, writing in disparagement that just one orphan child was killed in Mariupol. Killing...

German president calls on Arab-Germans to denounce Hamas

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier demanded that people with Palestinian and Arab roots living in Germany to distance themselves from the Islamist militant group Hamas during a roundtable discussion on Wednesday, writes German news agency DPA. "Do not allow yourselves to be instrumentalized by Hamas' accomplices," he said during the meeting, which he hosted at his official residence in Berlin. "Speak...

Zelensky is not implementing “extremist regime of ethnic cleansing and genocide”

Ukraine is a republic with a presidential-parliamentary system of government, which is defined within the Constitution from 1996. Just before Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow falsely accused Ukraine of genocide against Russian-speaking citizens in the Donbas region. Putin used this narrative to justify the invasion of Ukraine, but with no evidence to support such allegations. Nevertheless, there...

America is tarnished by disinformation about the wars in Ukraine and Israel cooked up in the “Russian kitchen”

Photo: Screenshot of the video in the FB post The Ukrainian authorities denied the claim that their country was providing arms to Hamas. On Monday (09.10.2023), the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Agency posted on its official Facebook page accusations that Russia launched a disinformation campaign related to these claims. The US continues to support Ukraine in its counter-offensive, but also in...

Doctored CNN Video Used To Claim That Western Media Lie

A video that went viral was edited to look like the featured CNN correspondent and her team were receiving instructions from a director on how to make the military conflict scene look more dramatic and more authentic. The original video without the supposed “instructions” was shared on CNN’s platforms and the news network also denied that the reporting team...

Video of the Caged Children was Made Before the Attack on Israel by Hamas

The video is made before the latest wave of war-crimes and violence in the Middle East. The disputed video is not related to the current situation between Hamas and Israel and does not show victims of the war in the Middle East. The video was posted on TikTok few days before Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel on 7th October...

Biden Did Not Say He Was Born in Israel

The claim that Biden was born in Israel was shared in an article of the Russian State News Agency TASS, published on 18 October 2023. The article states that the spokesperson of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Maria Zakharova stated that Biden claimed to be born in Israel. However, as can be seen from the White House transcript, Biden said that “the State...

The West did not desire war in Ukraine and Israel

Photo: pixabay.com Western countries did not vote against the “resolution for stopping military actions and attacks between Israel and Palestine”, as the post claims, they just did not support Russia’s resolution to condemn violence and terrorism of civilians, because it did not mention HAMAS attacks and killings of 1,400 civilians in Israel. The post does not want to see the...

A Video Does Not Show Egyptians Carrying Food and Water on their Backs for the Palestinians in Gaza

The video is not related to the current situation between HAMAS and Israel. Foreign fact-checkers claim that the video is older and does not relate to a humanitarian response to the blockade imposed by Israel from October 2023. For the first time this video was published on the social network TikTok on 31st August 2023. The original title, as...

Provocative Poster with Iranian Hypersonic Missile in Tehran Is Not Recent – It Dates Back to June

The photograph of a large poster in Tehran showcasing an Iranian hypersonic missile was not taken recently. Although the accompanying post claims the photograph shows a recent even in Iran’s capital, the photograph’s origins can be traced to June of this year, several months before the attack Hamas’s attack on Israel, writes Thuthmeter.    Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk and...

Black Flag Erected on a Mosque Is Not a Call for War and Revenge

The black flag holds a special place in Islamic history and tradition. Unlike the incorrectly presented claims on social media, the black flag is not a call to arms, conflict or revenge. Raising a black flag in a mosque represents a solemn expression of sadness, grief and solidarity, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk and Meta.mk, we republish...

The video of a convoy stuck at Rafah border crossing is from May 2021

Photo: Screenshot from the video The video clip shared on this Facebook post is not from 2023, but more than two years old. As Reuters’ fact-checkers specify, the video with the Egyptian aid convoy is from May 2021, not from 2023, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk and Meta.mk, we republish the text below:   We are fact-checking a post on...

Biden’s Administration is not providing military aid to Hamas

The USA and Biden’s administration are not financing Hamas. The USA is sending humanitarian assistance for the civilians in Gaza, but it does not go to the terrorist organization that has several financiers, out of which the main is Iran. The USA declared Hamas a terrorist organization and prosecutes all of its citizens or permanent residents who finance this...