Tags Ilovica

Tag: Ilovica

“This is madness”, cry the environmentalists against the new mines promissed in the electoral campaign

The concern among the environmental activists who fight against the mines in the Southeastern part of North Macedonia increased when during its election campaign VMRO-DPMNE revealed its stances about the development of the country's mining capacities as was shown in their election program. The program reveals the opening of five mines as a priority: Lojane-Lipkovo, Kadiica- Pehcevo, Plavica, Tajmishte and...

There is no mine, but the forest above Ilovica is being mercilessly devastated

Environmentalists from the Strumica Region alarm that although there is no mine on Mount Ograzhden, the area where the Ilovica Mine was planned is being mercilessly destroyed by extensive logging of enormous area of high-quality wood by the local branch of the Public Enterprise "National Forests". "We visited yesterday the local branch office of the public enterprise to express our...