Tags Greece

Tag: greece

Brussels: Migrants in Idomeni should be moved to other camps across Greece

The European Commission today called on all migrants from the Greek side of the border to be moved to other camps in the country. "The European Commission will continue to send the message that the people of Idomeni should be relocated and placed in reception centers across Greece and they should not make these dangerous attempts. Authorities and NGOs should...

MOI: We did not enter Greek territory, the fence is 5 metres in Macedonia

The Ministry of Interior denies the claims by the Greek media as untrue, that during yesterday's intervention to prevent illegal migrants entering the country at quota 59, Macedonian security forces entered Greek territory. This is the official position from the MOI in relation to these allegations, and told "Meta": "The fence on the border is situated five meters inside the...

Greek media say Macedonia entered Greek territory while chasing migrants

The incidents in Idomeni remain a hot topic in Greece. The reaction of the Macedonian police, the outbreak of violence and the lack of response by the Greek government and the police in the whole situation has affected the Greek public. Once the Greek media showed a recording showing Macedonian police entering through the fence and respond to the incidents in...

The situation at the border is now calm, one of the injured officers has been held in hospital

One of the officers yesterday who was seriously injured in the incident on the southern border, was held for further treatment at the Clinical Center "Mother Teresa" in Skopje, while four have been released from hospital. Yesterday, during the intervention between the Macedonian security forces with a crowd of several thousand migrants who tried to illegally enter Macedonian territory from...

Greece has sent two notes of protest to Macedonia due to incidents on the border

Greece has sent a note of protest to Macedonia, condemning the violent incidents with the refugees at the border. According to a statement by the Greek Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Greek Ambassador to Macedonia, Theocharis Lalakos, delivered two demarches to the Macedonian authorities concerning the situation in Idomeni. Lalakos noted that the use of violence will not help solve the refugee...

New tensions flare up in Idomeni after false information spreads that borders will open

Today in Idomeni a stressful and anxiety situation unfolded because of speculation earlier that day, that the Greek-Macedonia border will open. Even though the camp has began to empty since Friday, new people arrive everyday. Thousands of refugees from the refugee centers from around Thessaloniki went to Idomeni on foot with false information that the borders will be opened,...

Volunteers leaving Idomeni refugee camp?

Conditions at Idomeni continue to deteriorate. Rain and more bad weather are like salt to open wound, especially following yesterday's announcement that voluntary organizations and the UNHCR were pulling out from the camp. Once again tents are sinking into the mud from recent rains, and refugees are being left in the cold while voluntary organizations withdraw, it is feared...

Refugees in Idomeni claim that they were beaten by Macedonian police

Thirty refugees in Idomeni claim that they were physically attacked by Macedonian police for attempting to cross the border into Macedonia illegally. Greek media reported on this incident according to information from the volunteers of the organization "Doctors without Borders". A representative of the organization said that 33 people from different countries, aged 17 to 29, on Saturday tried to enter...

Greek President harshly attacks Macedonia over refugee crisis

Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, sent sharp criticism and accusations towards Macedonian politicians, saying that they are trying to seize the moment of the refugee crisis to make a point over the name dispute. Speaking at an event in Thessaloniki, Pavlopoulos stressed that Greece shows solidarity with the refugees in the country, thanks to the ancient Greek spirit and culture. He also...

Ivanov has asked his colleagues to tell Greece to stop bringing migrants to the border

President Gjorge Ivanov, yesterday and today telephoned several Presidents and Prime Ministers from member states of the European Union and the Balkan corridor regarding the migrant crisis and discussed the incident that occurred on March 14, when 1,500 migrants from Greece illegally entered Macedonian territory, in the village of Moin near Gevgelija. As announced by Ivanov's office, he asked his...

Refugees will leave Idomeni in two weeks

Greek authorities announced they hope the crowded refugee camp in Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border will be emptied within two weeks, partly because they persuaded the migrants to move to the nearby newly built shelters. The Deputy Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas, excluded the use of force to "relocate" the 14,000 people who have camped on...

For refugees in Idomeni, the EU’s decision is nonsense

"We do not want to go back to Turkey, the decision from the European Union is nonsense," commented migrants at the camp in Idomeni in Greece, for the Balkan service of "Radio Free Europe". Reactions come after the EU and Turkey came to an agreement. The camp Idomeni at the Macedonian-Greek border currently has more than 13,000 refugees, many of whom are women...

Refugees stranded, will have to wait until March 18 for EU’s final decision

In the cold weather, flooded by the pouring rain rain, some gather in tents, some outdoors, some even in the mud, but over 13,000 refugees in Idomeni await the decision from Brussels whether they’ll be allowed to continue their journey to Germany or not. This morning the situation got even worse. Mud, fog, flooded tents and soaking wet clothes drying...

One policeman and nine migrants were injured during the incidents at the border – The situation is now under control

After the incident where refugees in protest began to throw stones and broke through part of the wired fence on the Greek - Macedonian border, thousands of men, women and children have been sitting on the railway line this afternoon and continued their protest and demands that the Macedonian police let them through so they can continue their journey...

Border with Greece has been reinforced with iron polls

Tensions are at a high at Idomeni after refugees broke through the barriers in protest to get through to the Macedonian side. Desperate after waiting for days, the refugees began to throw stones at the fence and the police. The police force from the Macedonian side responded with tear gas to try to disperse the crowd and to calm...

20.000 Refugees stranded in Greece, at Idomeni 6,000 refugees are still waiting

At the moment, all across Greece, 20,000 – 25,000 refugees have been stranded in the country. The figure is expected to rise which was released by the Minister for Migration Yiannis Muzalas in an interview with the Greek television “Mega” where he stated that he expected the numbers to rise, as every day thousands of refugees arrive every day...

Hahn: The closure of the Macedonian border will reflect on the name dispute

If tensions develop on the border between Macedonia and Greece over the refugee crisis, it is likely to reflect on the name issue, said EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, at today's conference in Brussels entitled "Balkan Partnerships - Strengthening relations in the region" . “Do not underestimate the internal political crisis which needs to be...

Greece considers Macedonia an ally against border closure

There is growing concern and fear in Greece following unilateral announcements from countries in the European Union, that, if necessary, in the coming weeks Macedonia may have to close its southern border to prevent the flow of migrants travelling the Balkan route. Greek authorities, however, approve favorably the Macedonian policy on the issue of border closures. which, according to...

On Sunday Dutch Foreign Minister Koenders will visit Skopje on his way to Athens

The Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders will visit Macedonia and Greece on Sunday, the Dutch Embassy has announced. Holland currently holds the rotating European Union Presidency. Meetings with the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, will focus on the refugee crisis and opportunities for better cooperation between countries on the western Balkan's route for refugee's....

The wired fence doubled, then check points, after that, refugee camps?

Setting up an additional wired fence at quota 59 at the Macedonian-Greek border, for protection against migrants illegally crossing, apparently is the first phase of the implementation of the agreement between Macedonia and the European countries to help control the refugee crisis in the wake of the influx of people expected to arrive in the Spring. The second phase, as announced,...