Tags Fact-checkers

Tag: fact-checkers

Truthmeter’s response to the latest disinformation campaign against their website and newsroom

What can be noted from this disinformation campaign – just like in the previous ones – is the lack of argumentation on the side of those attacking, related to possible errors, oversight, or inaccuracy expressed by Truthmeter’s editorial staff to justify the criticism and threats against us. Among these numerous manipulations and untruths, there is simply not a trace...

No massive farmers protests in the Netherlands this year

Photo: Farmer protests in the Netherlands. © Frank Magdelyns, 22nd June 2022 Dutch farmers organized massive protests last year, but not this year. Fact-checkers from the Netherlands told Truthmeter that protests were organized in 2023, but none could be compared to the huge protests and unrest in 2022. Dutch farmers do not protest because the Government wants to dislocate them...

Rosana Aleksoska: Russian influence is Particularly Present At Important Periods and Events in North Macedonia

The NGO MOST recently published a study dedicated to the fight against false news and narratives. The study “Disinformation and information distortion in North Macedonia December 2021” focuses on the dominant narratives in 2020, with a special focus on articles published in the period from January 1 to May 10. A total of 2,658 articles from 211 portals and...

Anti-Disinformation Network for the Balkans expresses support for Croatian fact-checkers Faktograf.hr, after receiving death threats and cyber-аttacks

The Anti-Disinformation Network for the Balkans (ADN-Balkans) issued a statement of support for the Croatian fact-checking outlet Faktograf.hr whose staff had been subject to death threats, while their website has suffered massive cyber-attack hampering its basic functionality. This latest wave of attacks against the fact-checkers, that started on December 10, expands the continuous smear campaign aimed at defaming both the...

Metamorphosis Foundation panel discussion: Fact-checking provides citizens with right information necessary to make right decisions

The fact-checking is just a small part of the fight against disinformation, which is a hard and arduous undertaking in this digital age, amidst the rising impact of social networking on our lives. This is the conclusion of the panel discussion on the occasion of the 2nd of April – The International Fact-Checking Day, which was organized by the...

Epidemy of Lies in the Balkans – online panel discussion organized by Istinomer on December 14

On the occasion of its 11th birthday, the first fact-checking media outlet in the Balkans region Istinomer will organize the online panel discussion “Epidemy of Lies on the Balkans” which will be held on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 16:00 CET on Zoom. Istinomer, based in Belgrade in Serbia, is one of the founding members of the Anti-Disinformation Network from...

Disinformation about Russian army entering the Belarus in order to quell the demonstrations

When the social networks and the chat services were flooded with videos containing military transporters and buses full of soldiers, claiming this is the Russian army that has either entered Belarus or "are about to enter" Belarus, the fact-checkers from Belarus have quickly debunked these claims as disinformation. As was stressed by Franak Viačorka, an analyst from Minsk, and a...