Tags БаракОбама

Tag: БаракОбама

Obama was misinformed on Macedonia by Pavlopoulos

Macedonia was one of the topics discussed by US President Barack Obama and his Greek counterpart Prokopis Pavlopoulos. The Greek President repeated his views and accusations against the Macedonian government to Obama, criticizing the country for trying to adopt Greek history as its own. “The fact is that a neighbouring state, who are demanding a name, who other than falsifying...

Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov killed

The leader of the opposition Russian movement "Movement of Solidarity", Boris Nemtsov, was killed yesterday in the center of Moscow. Cause of death was a great internal bleeding, which was caused by four bullets fired at him from a moving car. He was hit in the head, heart, liver and stomach. At the time of the murder, Nemtsov was...

Jolevski and Besimi on a prayer breakfast in Washington

Macedonian officials, led by Defense Minister Zoran Jolevski and Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Besimi, will attend the traditional prayer breakfast in Washington with US President Barack Obama. Macedonian delegation will consist of MPs Vlatko Gjorchev, Roza Topuzova-Karevska and Silvana Boneva, the wife of former Macedonian president, Vilma Trajkovska, and former Health Minister Imer Selmani. The spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai...

White House admits mistake: We should have send someone in Paris

The administration of US President Barack Obama admitted that they made a mistake by not sending US representative with a higher rank than their ambassador in France on the march in Paris, reports CNN. - I think that Obama himself would like to attend the march if the circumstances were different. The plan for organization of the march began on...

Who attended, and which leaders ignored the march in Paris?

US President Barack Obama didn’t attend the march in Paris, held yesterday in protest against the killing of the journalists of the satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”. The Secretary John Kerry also didn’t attend, who, in turn, together with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, was a guest at the Entrepreneurship Summit “Vibrant Gudzherat” in India. US media indicate that it’s astonishing...