Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Alexis Tsipras

Tag: Alexis Tsipras

Kammenos: ANEL would not vote to ratify the name deal in the Greek Parliament

The head of Greece's junior coalition partner Panos Kammenos still holds his position regarding the deal with FYROM and he insists that his nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party would not vote to ratify the name deal when the ratification will be discussed in the Greek parliament. “The agreement will not be ratified. We the government partners will do everything in...

Tsipras will mark the end of the Greek economic Odyssey with TV address

Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras will have a TV address to the nation today on the occassion of the end of the country’s financial crisis. Tsipras symbolically chose Ithaca island in the Ionian Sea, the home of Odysseus, which he struggles to find in his well known aruduous 10-year journey after the Trojan War. With it Tsipras will mark the...

Pence to Zaev: Congratulations for the Agreement with Greece – the doors are opening to the EU and NATO

Yesterday, US Vice President Mike Pence spoke with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and congratulated him on reaching an agreement with Greece regarding the long-standing name issue and praised him and his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras on their leadership, stated the Macedonian government. "According to Vice President Pence, the agreement is a clear sign that the Republic of Macedonia is...

Zaev and Tsipras to meet in London on July 10

The prime ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras will meet in London at a fringe meeting at the Western Balkans Summit, which is to be held on Tuesday (July 10th), reported the “Independent”. The two prime ministers will discuss developments following the signing of the Prespa Agreement and will coordinate their activities. British Prime Minister, Theresa May,...

Hahn: Citizens of future Northern Macedonia deserve a European future

“This is a historic day, because the citizens of the future Northern Macedonia deserve a European future," said EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn in Oteshevo after signing an agreement between Macedonia and Greece in Psarades on the Greek side of Lake Prespa. He reminded that a lot of work remains, because as one process finishes, another begins. EU High Representative for Foreign...

VMRO-DPMNE: This is the agreement of capitulation that Zaev is proud of

“Zoran Zaev is the biggest weapon the Greek side has had in the name negotiations. With this agreement, Zoran Zaev has made possible three major issues, which have caused irreversible damage. With this agreement, the name Macedonia is deleted, the Constitution will change and Macedonian identity is at risk”, read VMRO-DPMNE’s statement after the agreement was signed today with...

Macedonia signs Agreement with Greece in Prespa

In the village of Psarades (Nivitsi) on the Greek side of the Prespa Lake, Foreign Ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias, signed the “Final Agreement in resolving the differences described in resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993) by the United Nations Security Council, for the termination of the validity of the Interim Accord of 1995...

Tsipras: We can not forbid them to identify themselves as Macedonians

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said yesterday in an interview with Greek state television ERT that with the new agreement, Greece can not ban the right of the people of the Republic of Macedonia to self-determination, MIA reports from Athens. “There is a solution for citizenship in the agreement, because we can not ban our neighbors' right to self-determination as...

Mogherini, Hahn and Tusk congratulate Zaev and Tsipras for showing leadership and determination

In a joint statement, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn congratulated the Prime Ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras for their determination and leadership in reaching a historic agreement on the name...

State Department: Historical agreement will benefit both countries

The State Department congratulated the prime ministers of Greece and Macedonia today, regarding the resolution of the name dispute, saying they demonstrated vision and courage. "The United States congratulates Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev and welcomes the historic agreement to resolve the name dispute. This resolution will benefit both countries and bolster regional security and prosperity. Prime Ministers Zaev...

Zaev and Tspiras spoke for an hour on the telephone, conversation to resume tomorrow

The prime ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras spoke over the telephone today, a conversation that was scheduled and announced ten days ago, as some kind of closure regarding the name dispute. According to the Government, Zaev and Tsipras spoke at 14:15 (Macedonian time) and talked for approximately an hour. “For the duration of the conversation, remaining...

Zaev hopes for a solution regarding the name dispute before EU Summit

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed hope that a solution to the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is getting closer and that this could happen before the EU summit scheduled for June 28 and 29. Today in Aracinovo, while marking the occasion of the start of a project for a new municipal building, Zaev stated that a swift resolution to the dispute...

Both sides optimistic over name dispute, while conversation between Zaev and Tsipras is expected

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and the entire composition of the Government are on the same, single line and are firmly determined and committed to resolving the dispute and strengthening the dignity and identity of the citizens, said spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski responding to speculations that arose over the weekend claiming that the name negotiations with Greece had...

Government lacks precise answer to announced conversation between Zaen-Tsipras

Today, government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski at a press conference in government did not specify where the negotiations are and whether there are chances of a meeting or telephone conversation between the prime ministers of Greece and Macedonia by the end of the week. Bosnjakovski did not want to comment on VMRO-DPMNE’s Antonio Milososki’s Facebook status, who wrote that on Thursday...

Zaev: Its a matter of days until the next telephone call with Tsipras

Its only a matter of days until the next telephone conversation between the prime ministers of Macedonia and Greece, and at the moment the circumstances are still being organized in order to realize that, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told a press conference at the closing conference of the project "Network 23+ chapter 23: Pandora's Box or Key to Good...

Ivanov: Entire negotiation process with Greece resembles a personal arrangement between two prime ministers

Without adhering to legal provisions when reaching and concluding international agreements on legal provisions, the entire negotiation process with Greece resembles a personal arrangement between the two prime ministers, said President Gjorge Ivanov at today's meeting with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov. At the meeting Dimitrov informed the head of state about recent developments regarding the talks on the name...

Angela Merkel calls Zaev and Tsipras

Yesterday, the German Chancellor had a conversation by phone with Macedonian and Greek Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras, the German Chancellor's press service confirmed to Deutsche Welle. From Berlin, there is only confirmation that Chancellor Angela Merkel talked to both, Macedonian and Greek Prime Ministers. The topics and other details are not disclosed, but the talks are took...

VMRO-DPMNE and Albanian parties will not comment on “Ilindenska Macedonia”

VMRO-DPMNE has no information regarding the process that is being conducted by the Government and it would be frivolous to present it now, said the director of the VMRO-DPMNE Center for Communications, Ivo Kotevski, in a statement for Portalb. Yesterday evening and today, many media groups, citing diplomatic sources, wrote that the solution discussed by Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev...

Zaev: One of the options is acceptable to both sides

Together with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, we reviewed possible options for creative solutions which the Macedonian side presented from the last phase of the negotiations. What follows, are consultations in both countries with relevant political figures. This was announced today by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, after a meeting with Tsipras in Sofia, which lasted an hour and a...

Zaev meets with Tsipras while Macron says first reforms and then EU accession

In Sofia, before the start of the EU-Western Balkans Summit, the prime ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras met in the National Palace of Culture. According to the Macedonian government and the statements released on Zoran Zaev's official Facebook page, the name dispute is being discussed at today's meeting. "Macedonia and Greece are strengthening their friendship. Together...