SDSM: Behind “Kurir” stands Mijalkov, that’s why they have been hiding millions in revenue


The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) today through a statement have said the portal “Kurir” have remained silent for days over their 1.3 million euros in revenue, because behind them stands the former Director of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Agency (UBK) Saso Mijalkov, the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski’s cousin.

The opposition party says that the company who owns the “Kurir”, EM MEDIA Ltd. is closely associated with the company NVSP which, according to SDSM is the founder of the security agency SGS.

“Behind the security agency SGS stands ‘the cousin’, Saso Mijalkov. The owner of NVSP, who also founded the security company SGS is Vladislav Stajkovik, who is very close to Saso Mijalkov’s best man Zarko Lukovska, the Chief Executive of “T-Mobile Macedonia.” Citizens first heard about the relationship between Stajkovik’s company, NSVP , who procured wire-tapping equipment with provisions of 540 000 euros from Israel for Mijalkov, in our project ‘The Truth about Macedonia.’ Through “Kurir”, Gruevski and his close knit family implemented an editorial policy of the media, which are directly under their control, ” reads the statement from the SDSM.

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