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Instead of building a ski resort, develop sustainable tourism on Jablanica, WWF and Eco-Consiousness appeal

Following the statement made by the Director of the Invest in North Macedonia Agency, Dejan Pavleski about the plans for building a luxurious ski...

The Battleground: Montenegro in Crisis – Serbian Nationalist Threats

This article by Srdja Pavlovic was first published in The Battleground and is reprinted by with permission. Montenegro’s Democratic Front (DF) recently issued its...

Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra: Macedonian music has always been something special, something eternal

The Barcelona Gipsy BalKan Orchestra -BGKO band, with its magnificent vocalist Margherita Abita enthralled the world with their adaptation of the song "More sokol...

In last two days in North Macedonia 9 009 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered

In the past two days, a total of 9 009 vaccines were administered in North Macedonia. Out of the total, 1 873 were a first...

Pendarovski: North Macedonia ready to contribute in making Europe first carbon neutral continent by 2050

Supporting the European Green Deal, North Macedonia is ready to contribute to turning Europe into the first carbon neutral continent by 2050, said the...

Rehabilitation of runway announced, Skopje airport with reduced working hours in 2022

Due to the rehabilitation works on the runway of the Skopje International Airport,  from the 28th of March to the 16th of May 2022...

North Macedonia MFA reacts to noncompliance to use of the constitutional name by new municipal councilors

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) issued a reaction regarding the noncompliance to the endorsed usage of the constitutional name of North Macedonia at...

Only two women were elected mayors in runoff local elections in North Macedonia

In the runoff local elections in North Macedonia on Sunday, only two female candidates won enough votes to be elected mayors. The remaining 79...

VMRO-DPMNE wins 20 mayoral posts in the runoff local elections in North Macedonia, SDSM and DUI win 7 mayoral...

Identically to the first round of the local elections in North Macedonia, in the runoff elections yesterday, the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE got most of...

Analysts comment North Macedonia prime minister’s resignation: Political crisis imminent

The news of the resignation of the prime minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, both from the government and from the helm of his...

North Macedonia prime minister Zoran Zaev resigns after local elections defeat

Zoran Zaev, the incumbent prime minister of North Macedonia yesterday in a late night press conference resigned from his prime ministerial post and also...

Female farmer from North Macedonia: Young women farmers need favorable conditions and financial support to become equal

Zhivka Gjurchinovska is a woman who has no problem driving a tractor. She is a diligent farmer and a mother of three. They live...

Liberalization of railway transportation in North Macedonia postponed until end of 2022

The adoption of the package of bills on the railways that should be regulating the market liberalization has been postponed to December 2022, informed...

Stanka Parac Damjanović, Balkan Network for Local Democracy: CSOs and local authorities are the “natural” partners

Stanka Parac Damjanovic, senior trainer and pedagogue, has a long standing professional experience as an NGO practitioner working in civil society development, education for...

Tender for implementation of a Bus Rapid Transit in Skopje announced

Three days before the second round of the local elections in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, the mayor of Skopje Petre Shilegov announced...

Rusino landfill still pollutes city of Gostivar, its citizens request waste selection and recycling to start [Photo gallery]

Located 10 km from the center of the city of Gostivar, in the west of the Republic of North Macedonia, is one of the...

Komparativna analiza: Učešće građana na Zapadnom Balkanu

U okviru projekta „Umrežavanje OCD za bolju lokalnu demokratiju na Balkanu", koji finansira Švedska agencija za međunarodni razvoj i saradnju (SIDA), a sprovodi Balkanska...

Comparative analysis: Citizen participation in Western Balkans

Under the work of the project “CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)...

Looking forward and looking back – Experience of regional CSOs co-operation and networking in the Western Balkans

Regional CSOs networking in the Balkans has become an increasingly challenging effort for the most of organizations engaged in regional initiatives fostering human rights,...

Umrežavanje organizacija civilnog društva za bolju lokalnu samoupravu

Regionalno umrežavanje organizacija civilnog društva na zapadnom Balkanu postaje je sve značajniji izazov za većinu organizacija angažovanih na regionalnim inicijativama na unapređenju poštovanja ljudskih...