Police is checking whether officers were involved in “Sledgehammer”


The Ministry of Interior today announced that they have checked for indications of possible connections between employees of Gostivar police and other state institutions with the suspects who were arrested in the operation “Sledgehammer”, reported the media.

– Ministry of Interior also began checking the operation of the competent state institutions, including the local police. There are indications that officials from the Ministry of Interior, as well as other institutions, cooperated to some extent with members of this group, i.e. they turned a blind eye and did not act in accordance with their jurisdiction – said Ministry of Interior spokesman Ivo Kotevski.

MOI, in the police action named “Sledgehammer”, this week arrested 15 of 19 people suspected of being members and supporters of a criminal group, which acted in Gostivar from 2008.

Suspected members of the criminal group are accused of crimes criminal association, usury and money laundering.

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