For two weeks now, the SDSM tends not to reach any agreement, said Antonio Milososki accusingly from the VMRO-DPMNE, a participant in the working groups.
Today in front of the MPs Clubhouse in Skopje, he said that for 10 days they have been discussing the Law on Government and the responsibilities of Ministers and the Deputy Ministers, but the SDSM are changing proposals just as the VMRO-DPMNE accepts them.
“We want to see constructive behaviour from the SDSM. We can not allow this political crisis to deepen. We think that the SDSM are doing this because they have a several goals. The first is the continuation and deepening of the political crisis, the second is to lose the recommendation for the European Union, while the third is to potentially cause economic damage to the state. They are concerned by the amount of support the VMRO-DPMNE has, there for the SDSM are trying to postpone the election. That might make the SDSM agree to reforms, such as the electoral code, as tomorrow it will be passed through Parliament”, said Miloshoski.
He said that this morning they had a bilateral meeting with Peter Vanhoutte and in the evening they will have another.
When asked by journalists on his thoughts on why the ambassadors accused the representatives of VMRO-DMNE as the guilty party, and they, in turn, coaxed the SDSM, Milososki said he appreciated the contribution of all the international factors and considers them useful. He said he expected VMRO-DPMNE to win the election again, which will take place in April, with a majority of the vote.
Asked whether they considered postponing the election, Miloshoski responded that it is not in the interest in the state, the political parties or the International Community. He added that they have accepted the latest proposal by the Belgian intermediary which specifies that ministers will have shared powers in key ministries.