
Journalist associations in North Macedonia with questions for all political parties


With the election campaign that started today, the Macedonian Independent Syndicate of Journalists and Media Workers (ISJMW), the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) has publicly posed a set of 10 questions for the political parties and coalitions that will take part in the early parliamentary elections.

Part of the questions refer to the parties’ stance about reforms in the media sector, their views of journalism, including their ideas on how to create conditions to help professional journalists and media workers develop their skills and to allow them to do their job freely.

“We expect all political participants in the elections to provide sincere answers that maybe will be able to implement them in order to improve the freedom of speech and independence of media in our country. In the next ten days, we shall pose a question a day in order to raise the awareness about the meaning of journalism in a democratic society” said the press release issued by SSNM, AJM, and ISJMW.

🥁 📢 ШТО Е ЗА ВАС НОВИНАРСТВОТО❓Со години забележуваме примери на непринципиелен однос на политичарите кон медиумите и…

Gepostet von Синдикат на новинари и медиумски работници am Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2020

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