
DUI’s central presidency will decide today


DUI’s central presidency in its expanded form has gathered at the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica to discuss the proposals for the potential coalition with VMRO-DPMNE and to form the new government.

The meeting began around 14h and before its start, no one gave a statement about the course the conversations are taking. But, sources from DUI’s high party officials have briefed that “today regardless of anything, a decision will be made.”

Yesterday, after the meeting at DUI’s headquarters was over, Ali Ahmeti said that he doesn’t have an answer with whom they shall enter into a coalition and they are analyzing all the options in order to make the best decision for the benefit of all citizens of Macedonia.

DUI’s spokesperson, Bujar Osmani has announced previously that it is important the decision should be the right one rather than timely one.

The deadline for forming a government is expiring on midnight for Nikola Gruevski and by then he has to receive the answer from DUI’s party leader Ali Ahmeti whether DUI will enter into a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE.

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