The seven ethnic Albanians convicted of murder at Smiljkovsko Lake are innocent and unfairly sit in prison, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, in an interview with the online edition of the newspaper “Die Zeit“.
“There can also be casualties. So now we conduct intensive talks with the Albanian community in order to find a way to prevent such a reaction. We must be very careful with the truth. We must preserve the unity of the people, “said Zaev.
He said he was concerned about the situation, which, according to him, can get out of control.
Zaev does not expect that the 2001 conflict will repeat, and he adds that “the people are united”.
In the conversation, the SDSM leader speaks about the chances of resignation of the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
“I do not believe that he would resign. That would mean a personal confession of the guilt. I believe that through negotiations we can build a transitional government. And then, there would also be an opportunity for his dignified withdrawal, “said Zaev for online edition of the German newspaper.
The resignations of government officials, were interpreted by Zaev as a clear message from the Gruevski, that the Prime Minister is “ready”.