Mon, 20 January, 2025
Tags Смиљковскоезеро

Tag: Смиљковскоезеро

“Bomb” from Zaev in “Die Zeit”: The convicted in “Monstrum” are innocent!

The seven ethnic Albanians convicted of murder at Smiljkovsko Lake are innocent and unfairly sit in prison, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, in an interview with the online edition of the newspaper "Die Zeit". "There can also be casualties. So now we conduct intensive talks with the Albanian community in order to find a way to prevent such a...

Today near Smiljkovo, only the chapel, sadness and silence are evidence for the killed

Three years after the revolting murder of Aleksandar Nakevski, Filip Slavkovski, Cvetancho Ackovski, Kire Trpkovski and fisherman Borche Stefkovski on Holy Thursday, Smiljkovo Lake today is calm, as if nothing had happened. Witness the monstrous act is only the small church "Holy 40 Martyrs", built in honor of the killed children. Silence feels despite sporadic movement of vehicles and locals with...

What will be built at the crime scene at Smiljkovo Lake?

After the long delay of the verdict on the case Monster, the court has now delayed the translation of the text of the verdict, delayed action, thus stopping the procedure for appeal of the defense for the first instance verdict to the Court of Appeal, stated lawyer Naser Raufi for Portalb. According to him, the appeal procedure will be delayed...