
Althauser: The elections are important, as well as the steps which follow


German Ambassador to Macedonia, Christine Althauser, said that the upcoming elections in Macedonia are a particularly important event, especially in overcoming the two-year political crisis.

“In three weeks elections in Macedonia will take place, it is a very important event. It is very important that this process is conducted fairly, in regular manner and will finish well. On December 11, elections will take place and it is important what steps will follow, such as reforms, however, a large number of reforms are connected to the topic of this conference , the judiciary”, said Althauser, during the scientific and expert discussion “Judicial Sentencing and Practical Application of Alternative Measures in the National Legislation”.

Althauser, when asked about the work of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, said that the work of the SPO is particularly important.

“The four parties who put together the Pržino Agreement agreed to this institution and the EU Commission decided to support SPO”, said Christine Althauser.

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