The declaration of the Albanian parties in Macedonia will not be entirely implemented into government’s new program for various reasons that are very real and sincere, said DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti in a statement that was given to several mediums in Albanian language.
According to Ahmeti, what matters is that Macedonia becomes a member of the EU and NATO and to remain stable.
Regarding the Joint declaration of the Albanian political parties, it is a program declaration that is included in all programs of the political parties of the Albanians and I don’t think it represents a danger. It is a statement for the benefit of the Republic of Macedonia, for a prosperity of the region. Still, there are more important issues such as the NATO and EU memberships, the economic development of the regions. The main points of this statement will be included in the government’s program – said Ahmeti.
DUI’s leader also said that all aspects of the declaration will be open for a debate and will not be shrouded in secrecy because they don’t represent any threat to Macedonia.