
SDSM: The blockade will culminate with the expiration of the Mayors mandates


“It is necessary to immediately unblock the democratic processes in Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov must immediately award the mandate to form a government under President Zoran Zaev”, said SDSM in the regular morning press release.

The party added that due to the stalled democratic processes, Macedonia will face problems that will harm the citizens and the entire state system.

“This blockade will culminate on Monday, when the mandate expires for Mayors and municipal councilors. Municipal employees, teachers will lose their salaries and allowances. Citizens will not be able to receive the necessary services from the municipalities. This will further complicate the situation for the citizens of Macedonia. Therefore, an immediate and peaceful transfer of power is need in Macedonia, to get the institutions functional”, reads the party statement.

SDSM are appealing to everyone, including Ivanov, to engage constructively in the democratic processes, to act conscientiously and responsibly and allow a peaceful transfer of power and formation of a new government.

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