This afternoon, without explanation or discussion, Parliament has chosen the new structure for the State Election Commission (SEC) and the amendments to the laws that were agreed at leaders’ meeting on Monday.
The SEC’s members were elected with 100 votes “for” without anyone reported.
Oliver Derkovski from VMRO-DPMNE has been chosen to be the chairman of the Commission, and as vice-president Ditmir Shehu from DUI. The committee is made up from Elizabeta Postolovska from VMRO-DPMNE, Boris Kondarko, Janaki Vitanovski and Radica Ristevska from SDSM and Enver Saliu from Besa.
With 99 votes “for” and without any MPs registered for discussion the amendments for the Electoral Codex were voted, the Law concerning Government and the Law on Financing of Political Parties.
The amendments regarding the Electoral Codex refer to the part for the financing of political parties, where there is a reduction concerning the amounts that can be donated by individuals and legal entities to the parties. Regarding the Law on Government, the MPs made a decision to make changes in the part of the pre-election period where a technical government would be elected according to the Przino agreement, between the MPs from the opposition and the government.