Tags Sergei Stanishev

Tag: Sergei Stanishev

Strahil Angelov condemned Stanishev’s presence at the protests in Skopje

The leader of the Party of European Socialists and former president of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Sergei Stanishev fails to justify his presence at anti-government protests in Skopje, said Strahil Angelov, former BSP MP. - If Bulgaria had something to protest in Skopje, it is the anti-Bulgarian propaganda, which is unprecedentedly carried out by Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski....

Stanishev with sharp criticism of the Macedonian political situation

With growing concern, Party of European Socialists (PES) follows the latest developments in Macedonia, said a member of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU-Macedonia, MEP from Bulgaria, Sergei Stanishev, who is also president of the Party of European Socialists. - Increasing confrontation threatens democratic processes and trust in the institutions. Several...