Tags SEC

Tag: SEC

“Most”: No conditions for fair elections on April 24

There are no conditions for fair elections on April 24 of this year, said today at a press conference the Chairman of the civic association "Most", who were presented with the report of the monitoring of the pre-election period from November 1 to December 31 last year. “ If there were delays in January with the process of cleansing the...

Today the SEC will test its systems, and from tomorrow they start cleansing the Voters’ List

The State Election Commission today will run tests on the system designed to cross-check data, and from tomorrow will begin the procedures for cleansing the Voter's Lists. Subhi Jakupi, a member of the SEC informed the public that from the provided data from 10 relevant institutions they will make an assessment which will last a few days, and then be followed...

Three days to go until evaluation from International Community yet proposed media reforms remain deadlocked

The mediator in negotiations for the implementation of the Przhino Agreement Peter Vanhoutte has, in recent days, held bilateral meetings with various political parties and the representatives of associations and organizations of journalists, hoping to reach a solution regarding media reforms. One of the key issues the international community will be looking at, while assessing whether it will be...

By the end of this week, the SEC will begin to cleanse the voter’s list

"Meta" has learnt that by the end of this week, or at the latest, by Monday, the SEC will begin to cleanse the voter's list. Sources from the State Election Commission (SEC) said " preparations are coming to an end and in the coming days we will start checking". SEC members last week adopted the decision on cross-checking the...

The electoral list is unavailable and will not open on the SEC’s official website

The Voter's List which was uploaded to the State Election website this morning is experiencing technical problems with people unable to access it. The option whereby citizens could check to see if they're on the list and which polling station to go to and vote, is currently not available. Every time one clicks on the icon to check the list,...

EU: Do not intimidate public officials who should be creating conditions for credible elections

The EU delegation at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna called on political parties in Macedonia to fully implement the Przhino Agreement. “The European Union recalls the great importance it attaches to the full implementation of the 2 June 2015 political agreement and its 15 July 2015 Protocol (the “Przino agreement”) between the four main political parties in order to...

The SEC rejected the complaints by Mitko Chavkov

As if unrelated to the elections, the State Election Commission (SEC) rejected the complaints from the Deputy Minister of Interior, Mitko Chavkov regarding the three decisions made by Minister Oliver Spasovski concerning the appointing of certain Head's of Departments. The three decisions are regarding the appointment of Primislav Dimovski, the new Head of the “Alfa” unit, the appointment of Branko Rakic ​​as...

The parties agreed on the electoral register, will the SEC meet tonight?

All parties have submitted methodologies to the SEC for the cleansing of the electoral list, which means that the opposition has accepted the cleansing methodology proposed by the SEC. After the SEC formally adopts the methodology, they can start the procedure for renewing the voters' list. "Meta" has learnt that the session to adopt the methodology of the SEC maybe held...

A busy February – The month with five key political dates

The fulfilment of five deadlines expected this month, by politicians, working groups and institutions responsible for conducting elections. On February 2 (tomorrow) the working groups should hold a meeting with Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte, where VMRO-DPMNE should deliver their final answer on whether they accept the proposals from SDSM, and the opposition to withdraw all their remarks on the methodology...

SDSM will withdraw their objections over the SEC, if VMRO-DPMNE accepts proposals on the media from the International Community

We will withdraw our objections we have for the methodology of the renewal of the voters' list, if VMRO-DPMNE agree to accept the proposals from the International Community to reform the media, said Damian Manchevski from SDSM. “If this is not acceptable to VMRO-DPMNE, then they really do not want to hold fair and democratic elections." Manchevski clarified that proposals from...

The Government has given the SEC new premises and 50 vehciles

Fifty vehicles and three new rooms in the former building of "Nova Makedonija" have been allocated today from the Government to the State Election Commission. "In order to provide appropriate premises for the SEC, the Government entrusted the General Secretary to provide three rooms for the State Election Commission, on the first floor of the administration building (the former " Nova Makedonija...

Today working groups will meet to discuss the SEC and the media

Representatives from political parties who are members of the working groups today at 17:00 at the MPs Clubhouse will meet with Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte. The meeting will discuss the methodology that the SEC should use to cleanse the electoral roll and the regulation of the media. The last meeting between the working groups was last Thursday, where parties could not...

Political parties in negotiations over electoral roll and reforms within the media

The meeting between the working groups of the political parties, all signatories to the Przhino Agreement, at the MPs Clubhouse in Skopje yesterday made no progress, reports sources to "Meta". The only issue that was agreed on, at the insistence of the SDSM, was in parallel with the methodology used to cleanse and renew the voters' list, is to also negotiate reforms...

Dimitriev: Further intensive communications with the SEC on creating correct conditions for Elections on April 24

I am convinced that through more intensive communication between the Government and the State Election Commission, we will make conditions so the elections can be realized on April 24, said the interim Prime Minister, Emil Dimitriev at the meeting with the State Election Commission who will conduct the elections. He said it was better to communicate through such meetings because, according...

The SEC announced the cleansing of the voters’ list, but gave no deadline

The State Election Commission (SEC) at yesterday's session, adopted the decision to cross-check data to cleanse the voters' list, and will use the databases of 13 institutions for the comparisons. Among them are the Health Insurance Fund, Pension Fund (PIOM), Public Revenue Office (PRO), the National Bank, Agency for Real Estate, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and...

Vanhoutte: The unilateral decision to hold early elections has destroyed confidence in the process

There is no sense anymore that the parties want to continue to work together and try to achieve common goals, said Belgian facilitator about negotiations regarding the Przhino Agreement, Peter Vanhoutte before today's meeting of the working groups in the MPs Clubhouse that started around 18:00. Mr Vanhoutte indicated that the main reason for this situation is the date for...

VMRO-DPMNE and DUI have accepted the methodology from the SEC

VMRO-DPMNE has withdrawn all amendments and objections to the methodology for the renewal of the voters' list and fully accepts the State Election Commission's preparations, stated the ruling party. "The SEC is legally competent, and has the full capacity and full support from state institutions to update the voters' list and to take all necessary action for fair and democratic...

Cicakovski: Thorough check of the voters’ list can not be carried out by April 24

Elections on April 24 can technically be carried out, but not with out a thorough check of the voters' list. This is part of what was said in the statement by the President of the State Election Commission Alexander Cicakovski, which was given to the political parties in the MPs Clubhouse to discuss the electoral process. "To the question of...

Alexander Cicakovski (SEC): I don’t talk to journalists

MEP Richard Howitt and EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn received two different statements about the readiness and the condition of the State Election Commission and upcoming early elections scheduled for April 24. While working out which one of the statements is accurate and did the President of the SEC Alexander Cicakovski send two different opinions...

The Brussels trio would not give a statement after meeting with Zaev

MEPs Richard Howitt, Ivo Vajgl and Eduard Kukan today declined to give any statements or comments after their meeting with SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, saying that they will make a statement tomorrow once they have finished all meetings, with all leaders. The Brussels trio had a meeting at the SDSM headquarters and then headed to the Office of the European Commission...