Tags Resignation

Tag: resignation

Parliament has unexpectedly announced that they will hold a session at 17:00

The Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia suddenly scheduled a session for 17:00 and on the agenda are three laws. The first item is a draft-law on amending the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development, through a shortened procedure. The second is the draft-law on amending and supplementing the Law on Execution of Sanctions, through a shortened procedure, and...

Zaev: Gruevski admits that he is the cause of the political crisis

Today’s statement by Nikola Gruevski is a direct admission that because of him and his party, key parts of the Przhino Agreement have yet to be fulfilled and that he is the cause of the political crisis in Macedonia, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev in today’s press statement in response to the Prime Minister speech, in which he announced...

Tomorrow Gruevski will submit his resignation to the Parliament

Tonight Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in a public address, announced that tomorrow morning he will submit his resignation to the President of Parliament Trajko Veljanoski. “Tomorrow I will send a letter to the President of Parliament with my resignation as the president of the Government which will be activated 100 days before the election. This resignation represents the strength of...

If elections take place on April 24, the Prime Minister needs to resign by tomorrow the latest

On January the 3rd, the Prime Minister announced that he would resign before January the 15th in order to fulfil the Przhino Agreement. "In accordance with the agreement, on January the 15th a new government with a Prime Minister will be elected for the conduct of parliamentary elections. Previously, of course, I will resign, and as for who will be...

SDSM registered the domain “zbogumnikola.mk”, but MARNET sold it to someone else

SDSM registered a website www.zbogumnikola.com (which translates to FarewellNikola.com). The website counts the days to Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski resignation, this information was reported today by the Deputy Minister of Information Society, Alexander Kiracovski. Kiracovski said that the SDSM applied to MARNET to register the website which should be called "Farewell Nikola". Three hours later they received information that the name...

Gruevski ‘mistakenly’ stated his “resignation” instead of “stepping down”

Six months after the Przhino Agreement, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski yesterday for the first time used the term "resignation" which, according to the Agreement should be submitted before January 15, when the Provisional Government should be elected, which is 100 days before the elections in April. Gruevski's vocabulary and terms have changed as the date for the election of the...

Gruevski has confirmed his resignation – he shall step down before January 15

Today, Prime Minister Gruevski announced that he would resign before January 15 in order to fulfill the Przhino Agreement. “In accordance with the agreement, on 15 January a new government will be elected with a new Prime Minister for the conduct of elections. Of course, before my resignation, VMRO-DPMNE will announce who will be President of the Provisional Government when they have decided. That...

LDP: Before Janeva starts the investigation, Major Taleski should resign

Before the investigation began from the Special Prosecutor's Office, in Bitola's Municipality the opposition LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) are demanding for Major Vladimir Taleski's resignation. Referring to the news that the Special Prosecutor,  Katica Janeva will begin work on the first five items related to the "bombs", the Liberal Democrats believe that leaving the Major of Bitola to head the...

SDSM want Major Koce Trajanovski to resign and new elections to be held the position for Major

Koce Trajanovski and VMRO-DPMNE do not work for the interest of the citizens, and that's us only one solution: the resignation of Koce Trajanovski and new elections for the Mayor of Skopje, said Damijan Mancevski, SDSM Vice President and Coordinator of the Group of SDSM and coalition partners of the City Council at today's press conference. “Nikola Gruevski and Koce...

The opposition have filed a motion against Health Minister Nikola Todorov

"The parliamentary group of SDSM and its coalition parties filed a proposal for the dismissal of Nikola Todorov, the Minister of Health. We demand accountability from Nikola Todorov for all of the systemic problems and the overall chaos in our Health Care which resulted in tragic consequences for citizens and patients ", said Jagoda Shahpaska, a lawmaker from the...

Liberal Party: Todorov should resign immediately

Four deaths in four days in the public health institutions confirms the absence of a quality system, or control in the public health sector, these issues are the cause of such tragedies, according to the Liberal Party they require the Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov to immediately resign. "The Liberal Party yesterday pointed out that the whole health care system...

From today, every day at 18:00 o’clock, ‘Enough!’ protests will be held in front of the Government building

Starting from today, every day from 18:00 o'clock, protests will be held in front of the Government building under the slogan “Enough!” Citizens are calling on the authorities to take responsibility for the lives lost on the streets and in the hospitals. “Enough of the serial killings in our hospitals and on our streets! We have the right to live, you...

New leadership meeting to be held tomorrow

Tomorrow, leaders of political parties will once again try to bridge differences for exiting the political crisis. As announced, new leadership meeting will be held tomorrow in Skopje, but, according to previous statements of the political parties, it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached. One of the key issues on which the parties have so far failed to...

Hitting pans and pots, protesters demanded Gruevski’s resignation

Several hundred citizens, activists, people from the opposition tonight through peaceful, but noisy protest outside the home of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski called for him to resign and allow holding elections that will be organized by a transitional government, in which he won’t participate. "Equipped" with pots, pans, drums and horns, protesters started their march from Kliment Ohridski Boulevard, close...

SDSM welcomed Hahn’s effort to resolve the crisis

The views of SDSM on the occasion of the held meeting are presented in the statements of party functionaries and official declarations of the party, SDSM reacts in a statement. The party says that the course and outcome of the leadership meeting held in Brussels caused various comments, speculations and misinformation in the media and the public in Macedonia. "Once...

Announcement for all-night protests in Bitola for the resignation of Mayor Taleski

Bitola citizens announce that all-night protests in front of the Municipality of Bitola, which will last until Mayor Vladimir Taleski resigns, will start next week. Revolted by the unfulfilled promises of Taleski that citizens will have accurate and timely information on what kind of air they breathe and who are the primary polluters of ambient air in the city, members...

What did the new candidate for head of MOI Chavkov talked about with Jankuloska?

Mitko Chavkov Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski's proposal as new Interior Minister, who will assume the post of Gordana Jankuloska, was also mentioned in the 27th "bomb" of Zoran Zaev. When he announced the conversations, Zaev said they are evidence of who and how the wiretapping was carried out. Here's the conversation. Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Mitko Chavkov. Chavkov: Hello? Jankuloska: Hello, good evening...

SEC to dismiss the chairman of MEC Center

At the next session of the State Election Commission (SEC), Nikola Rilkovski, commission chairman, will initiate proceedings to dismiss Kosta Mitrovski, president of the Municipal Election Commission in Centar, who, in one of the conversations released by SDSM, tells the Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski how he managed to extract four electoral lists. In a statement after today's...

DOM demanded the resignation of the Public Prosecutor

DOM feels that political crisis requires immediate action to address the institutions and that dialogue between the government and opposition is necessary. "We believe that the outcome should start with the resignation of the Public Prosecutor, the return of the opposition in the Assembly and the election of a new prosecutor with the consensus of all political parties. Then, two...

AJM: Gruevski, Jankulovska and Mijalkov should resign

"We demand Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and the Director of the Security and Intelligence Service Sasho Mijalkov to resign. Regardless of who ordered wiretapping, the authorities failed to protect us," responded the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM). AJM reaction follows after the press conference of Zoran Zaev, on which the leader of the opposition...