SEC to dismiss the chairman of MEC Center


At the next session of the State Election Commission (SEC), Nikola Rilkovski, commission chairman, will initiate proceedings to dismiss Kosta Mitrovski, president of the Municipal Election Commission in Centar, who, in one of the conversations released by SDSM, tells the Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski how he managed to extract four electoral lists.
In a statement after today’s meeting of the commission, on which members of SEC adopted instructions referendum for facade of GTC in Centar, Rilkoski said that if Mitrovski doesn’t resign, at the session of SEC, which should take place immediately after the holidays, SEC will initiate proceedings for his dismissal from office, but the commission is not able to prosecute him.
– From what we could hear, at least in my personal opinion, this man, at least morally, has no credibility to be chairman of electoral commission – said Rilkovski.
SEC chairman said that so far the number of voters in the electoral list is not changed much from last year’s elections, i.e. there is a difference only 500 or 600 voters. For the referendum, citizens can vote in 78 polling stations, and about 43,461 residents of the municipality have a right to vote (SEC chairman was not sure whether they are 43,461 or 43,481 voters).