Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Privacy protection

Tag: privacy protection

“” For real privacy protection, all laws should be harmonized with the law on personal data protection

(This content is a translation of the original article in Macedonian, published on the 7th of December 2022) What are the challenges in the implementation and harmonization of the Law on personal data protection, the manner in which the controllers cope with challenges and what are the possibilities to preserve the privacy of personal data were the main issues covered...

Metamorphosis: Challenges for privacy protection while implementing the COVID-19 countermeasures

The measures taken for managing the COVID-19 crisis are the focus of governments, public and private enterprises, and the civil society sector around the world. Quite unexpectedly, the dynamic measures largely affect the issue of processing different categories of personal data. The laws on personal data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), are not an obstacle to...

Metamorphosis: The “Moj DDV” mobile application lacks a Privacy policy

The mobile application „МојДДВ“ (MojDDV) lacks Privacy policy that in a very comprehensive way would explain the measures that the Public Revenue Office - PRO is taking for the security and protection of the personal data of the citizens that is processed with the use of the application, the Metamorphosis Foundation, that analyzed the aspect of how well the...