Tags Motorway

Tag: motorway

Behind the scenes: Chinese influence in North Macedonia

(Main photo: Commercial for the Belt and Road Initiative in one of the Macedonian trains purchased from China reading “Speed up the Belt initiative, Charming Macedonia") It took North Macedonia only a few years to dramatically change its bilateral relationship with China. In 1999, it was the sole European country that recognized Taiwan as an independent state, besides the Vatican....

EU with same criticism for North Macedonia as last year: The construction works on Corridors 8 and 10d to be accelerated

European Commission's criticism on the transportation sector of North Macedonia is almost identical as last year, i.e. the sector remains a problem that the government must overcome. The EC's North Macedonia 2022 Report criticizes the same projects as the last year - the construction of the railroad line to Bulgaria, the Road Corridor 10-d from Gradsko to Prilep, the...

High price for the highways loan, China remains in North Macedonia constructing even with European money

North Macedonia obtained a loan from the Exim Bank of China for the construction of the highways Kičevo - Ohrid, and Miladinovci - Štip, and now we are repaying the loan installments expensively due to the record strengthening of the US dollar against the Macedonian denar. In the meantime, after more than eight years and six months since the...

Simeon Ananiev: Investigation and trial on bus accident near Pernik can take up to 5 years

Meta.mk conducted an interview with Simeon Ananiev, the President of the Association of Forensic Scientists of Bulgaria and a professor at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport in Sofia after the accident of the Besa Trans BTB's bus near Pernik, Bulgaria. The tragic accident of the Besa Trans bus on the motorway "Struma caused an avalanche of speculations about the...

After tragic bus accident near Pernik, professional driver analyzеs motorway segment and traffic signs

In the aftermath of the tragic accident of the bus from North Macedonia which happened Tuesday night near the Bulgarian city of Pernik, experts and experienced drivers that regularly drive on the "Struma" motorway are asking many questions about traffic security and the road signs on the section. Dimitar Iliev, a Bulgarian road safety expert, Wednesday morning analyzed the motorway...

New roads were being built in Macedonia last year, the expectations for this year are they will be put into use

During this year, North Macedonia expects an increased development of its road infrastructure, including putting into use of several new roads that were being built in the past few years. Despite the usual delays during the implementation of the projects due to the common problems that were bolstered last year with the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, the improvement of...

Construction of Kichevo-Ohrid motorway will breach deadline for the second time, the analyses to follow!

The Public Enterprise for State Roads is preparing detailed analyses for the extension of the deadline for the building of the Kichevo-Ohrid motorway. It is highly probable that the deadline will be breached for the second time since the contractor, the Chinese company Sinohidro, took the job to supposedly finish the construction of the motorway in the length of...

First phase of the Skopje-Blace motorway could be finished by next summer

Despite the current situation with the COVID-19 in North Macedonia and the problems that arose with the expropriation of the land several months ago, the Public Enterprise for State Roads of North Macedonia expect the contractor to meet the deadline for finishing the construction works of the first two kilometers of the Skopje-Blace motorway, said PE for State Roads...

Summer has arrived but first kilometers of new Kichevo and Ohrid motorway are yet to be inaugurated

The new summer season is about to start but the first several kilometers of the Kichevo - Ohrid motorway still aren't in regular use. The promises of the authorities were that this year the first, more or less, 10 km of this motorway will be put into use in the area between Vrbjani and Ohrid, which is the part...

Construction of toll stations on Skopje-Shtip Motorway should start this year

The introduction of electronic toll collection on the Corridor 8 and the construction of two toll stations on the Skopje-Shtip Motorway in North Macedonia is going to start this year. The tender for this two projects is in the ammount of €13.7 million and the evaluation of the first phase of the tendering procedure is underway, the Public Enterprise...

The construction of the Kichevo-Gostivar Motorway will start in 2020

Macedonian government plans the start of the construction of the Kichevo - Gostivar Motorway on Corridor 8 for, broadly, the middle of the next year. The Public Enterprise for State Roads (PESR) informs that at the moment the project documentation for the first section - from Kichevo to the village Bukojchani, 12.7 kilometres long - is being prepared. "The public...

5,870 electronic devices for toll collection sold in one month

Macedonian drivers' interest in the new electronic toll collection system is on the rise. 5,870 e-cards and tags (Mtag and Mcard) have been sold in just one month, which enables easy and quick payment of toll on the ramps along Corridor 10. "Passengers who have already purchased electronic devices are more than satisfied explaining that the implemented system works great,"...

Tender for the first phase of the construction of the Skopje-Blace Motorway

The Public Enterprise for State Roads (PESR) today published the tender for the first phase of the construction of the Skopje - Blace Motorway, which covers the part from the border crossing “Blace” to the village fo Blace, in the length of 2 kilometres. The deadline for submission of the bids of the construction companies is September 4th, when...

This year a project for expansion and reconstruction of the Tetovo-Gostivar Motorway (infographic)

Potholes, sunken tarmac and lack of hard shoulders for emergency stops is the current condition of the Tetovo-Gostivar Motorway, which is one of the busiest motorways in the country. Citizens pay 60 denars toll (one way), and in return the get a motorway in bad condition.  According to the information from the Public Enterprise "Makedonijapat”, average annual daily traffic...

Why build a motorway and not an expressway between Prilep and Bitola?

The Minister of Transport and Communications Goran Sugareski and the Director of the Public Entreprise (PE) for State Roads Zoran Kitanov last week announced that this year the state will start with the project of the future motorway Prilep-Bitola. In the annual program of PE State roads for 2019 there is an entry for completing the project documentation for...

Two days of mourning, while Macedonia waits for the causes of the bus accident which left 14 dead

Two days of mourning were declared in the Republic of North Macedonia following the traffic accident that happened on Wednesday (February 13, 1919) on the E-65 motorway linking Skopje and Gostivar. Fourteen people were killed and 39 injured. At 17 o’clock, the bus from the company "Durmoturs" with more than 50 passengers passed 3 lnes, flew off the highway...

Austria closes its motorway on the border with Hungary

The A4 motorway was closed this morning in Austria due to safety reasons, as it is very close to the border, while dozens of migrants were on the road to Vienna, said a police spokesman in the eastern region of Burgenland. Around 8,000 people entered Austria yesterday and a further 3,600 at midnight, added the spokesman.