Tags Hashim Tachi
Tag: Hashim Tachi
Случаят с Ямайка и (не)признаването на Косово: Как да се проверяват твърденията на политиците?
Ямайка призна независимостта на Косово – новината, която вчера отекна в медийното пространство в Косово, но и в региона, само няколко часа по-късно се оказа неточна. Медиите почти идентично предадоха тази новина, позовавайки се на поста в профила на Twitter на президента на Косово Хашим Тачи, последвана от постове на най-висшите представители на Косово.
Бяха необходими девет часа министърът на...
Slučaj Jamajka o (ne)priznanju Kosova: Kako proveriti tvrdnje političara?
Jamajka je priznala nezavisnost Kosova – vest koja je juče odjeknula u medijskom prostoru na Kosovu ali i regionu, samo nekoliko sati kasnije ispostavila se netačnom. Mediji su listom preneli ovu vest pozivajući se na objavu na Tviteru kosovskog predsednika, Hašima Tačija, praćenu objavama najviših kosovskih zvaničnika.
Devet sati je trebalo da ministarka spoljnih poslova Jamajke, Kamina Džonson Smit (Kamina...
Излъганият Заев – недалновидни новини, но с възможни последствия за премиера и държавата
Новината на седмицата– манипулативните телефонни разговори на двамата руски предполагаемо шегаджии с министър-председателя Зоран Заев - няма да се задържи дълго време в медийното пространство в страната и света, но е възможно да има последици за репутацията на Република Северна Македония и, разбира се, последици за репутацията на премиера лично.
Това е обща констатация на повече местни анализатори в коментарите...
A successful referendum means peace for Kosovo
After meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci called on the citizens of Macedonia to vote in favor of the referendum, adding that a successful referendum would mean peace for Kosovo.
"The future of Kosovo and Macedonia is to aim for the EU and NATO. Kosovo gives its support for Macedonia to move forward towards NATO...
Zaev: We have not yet managed to discuss names with Greece
The matter of the "Divo Naselje" case, should not be an obstacle in the relations between Macedonia and Kosovo, according to the meeting in Pristina, between Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and his counter-part, Ramush Haradinaj. Zaev, at a joint press conference, added that, in regards to this case, there will be an international investigation in order to reach the truth.
Tomorrow Zaev and his delegation pay Kosovo an official visit
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev with a government delegation, will pay an official visit to the Republic of Kosovo tomorrow, the government's press service announced.
The delegation, led by Zaev, is comprised of Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, Minister of Transport and Communications, Goran Sugareski, Minister of Culture, Robert Alagjozovski and Minister without Portfolio in charge of Diaspora, Edmond Ademi.
On the...
Zaev is going on an official visit to Kosovo and will meet Thaci and Haradinaj on December 12th
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will be visiting Kosov on the 12th of December (Tuesday), informs the Government. As part of the visit, a meeting with his Kosovar colleague Ramush Haradinaj is planned after which a joint press conference will occur.
During the day, the Prime Minister will have a meeting with the President of Kosov, Hashim Thaci as well as...
Vučić and Ivanov exchanged “heavy and harsh words” with Thaci and Nishani at Brdo, Kranj
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić has said that in Kranj, he and the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov have exchanged “heavy and harsh words with the Albanian representatives” at the meeting, saying further that it is better that way rather than taking the issues on the streets, reports B92.
Vučić said that he can’t remember any other such heavy and...
Ahmeti, Kasami and Sela are to hold meetings with President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi
The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi today held meetings with the leaders of the Albanian parties from Macedonia – DUI, Besa Movement and the Albanian Alliance, who secured seats in Parliament during the early parliamentary elections held on December 11.
Thaçi's cabinet announced that he had congratulated the leaders of DUI, the Besa Movement and the Albanian Alliance, Ali Ahmeti,...
Citizens can now travel to Kosovo with an ID card
Today in Pristina an agreement was signed by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs from Macedonia and Kosovo, Nikola Poposki and Hashim Thaci. It will allow citizens to move across the border with bio-metric ID cards as well as opening the border crossing Belanovce – Stanic.
Both ministers decided that these agreements will benefit the citizens and businesses of both countries, and...
Tachi: Rumors that Germany is giving work permits is the reason for the wave of asylum seekers
Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Tachi, in an interview with German newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", said the reason why tens of thousands of Kosovo citizens sought asylum in Western countries was the rumor that Germany is giving a lot of work permits, report Serbian media.
- It is absurd, but led many people to travel to Germany. Even some Kosovo media...