Tags Congress

Tag: congress

With the budget proposal, Trump is demanding a cancellation of the Voice of America in Macedonian

The White House’s Budget – Proposal for 2018 that was sent to the Congress plans to cancel “The Voice of America in Macedonian” and a decrease in the budget for “Radio Free Europe” in Macedonian. This is the only cancellation and a reduction of assets of all services in the region. There aren’t any cancellations among the services in Serbian,...

Zaev will be the only presidential candidate at Congress the day after tomorrow

After yesterday’s dinner in Brussels with Federica Mogherini and the Prime Minsters of the Western Balkans and the president of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, the day after tomorrow at the party’s congress, they are expecting the re-election of the president of the SDSM. Zaev is the only candidate for party president, who will be selected the day after tomorrow at the...

Zaev is the only candidate for president of SDSM with full support by all municipal party organizations?

For the time being, we cannot provide any information because we have to check the applications that were sent for the bid. Starting from tomorrow we will be able to provide information, said SDSM's spokesperson, Petre Shilegov when asked about the number of candidacies that were received yesterday, when the deadline for a self-candidacy has ended, for a president...

Xhaferi and Janeva meet with the delegation from the United States Congress

A delegation of representatives from the United States Congress visited Macedonia today, and met with the newly elected Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, stated the US Embassy in Macedonia. “The bi-partisan delegation, led by Representative Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, met with Speaker of Parliament Talat Xhaferi, members of Parliament, and Special Prosecutor...

VMRO-DPMNE (FYROM): This is how sister parties introduced Gruevski in Malta

At the Congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday in Malta, the delegation of VMRO-DPMNE, led by party president, Nikola Gruevski, were introduced as a party from “FYROM”. The party is listed as such on a list of all parties participating in the EPP congress on the official website. On the list of...

Gruevski leaves for EPP Congress in Malta

Today, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, together with a delegation from his party left to attend the Congress of the European People’s Party (EPP), which will be held in Malta over the next few days, confirmed the Director of Central Communications of VMRO-DPMNE, Ivo Kotevski for “Meta”. Gruevski’s visit to Malta to participate in the EPP Congress comes at...

On Sunday, at the Party Congress, SDSM will publish the lists of MPs

The Social Democratic Union, on Sunday at the Party Congress, will announce their list of candidates for MPs for the upcoming early parliamentary elections, stated today Zoran Zaev, the President of the SDSM. He stated that talks have lasted all day with coalitions partners and with citizens. “We will announce our list of candidates on November 6, on Sunday, which is...

Zaev Promises Higher Minimum Wage, Money For Companies and 64.000 New Jobs

The battle that we started is too large and too important to fight alone. Because everyone is important. Everyone is needed, everyone has an idea, a plan. We will listen to everyone and we will accept everyone. Citizens re-wrote our plan and for that I am grateful. Today we are opening our doors. From today, every headquarters must open...

Shekerinska: Instead Of a Party Coalition, We Want To Create a Broad Front

On October 2, a themed congress program will be held by the SDSM, where they will decide what coalition they will need to beat Gruevski in the election. The SDSM congress, which will take place on October 2, high ranking delegates of the opposition party will discuss the proposal of the leadership rather than an "ordinary" party coalition, as to...

Milevski meets Dutch PM: Reforms from the Przhino Agreement must continue

The President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Goran Milevski, met with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, where they discussed the current political and social crisis "that the ruling party has produced and the efforts of the opposition to establish rule of law and the restoration of democracy in the country ", stated...

May – An eventful month, full of difficult ordeals and troubled times

May of 2015 proved an eventful month, full of difficult ordeals and troubled times. In that month's 30 days, the armed conflict in Divo Naselje occurred, the resignations of three senior officials of the ruling party were submitted following the death of Martin Neshokovski, three leadership summits, a meeting in Strasbourg, a mass protest by the political opposition which was...

SDSM: We have made a winning election program to save the country

The SDSM Congress adopted by acclamation the election program of 2016, said the party. “We have created a real viable program. This is a program by SDSM and the citizens to save our country together”, said the President of SDSM Zoran Zaev in his final address to the delegates. The proposals of the participants of the Congress Program today, are the...

Today SDSM will hold their program congress

Today SDSM will hold their congress program, and the party say that they are open to interested experts and representatives of civil society who wish to contribute to the new program for the citizens of Macedonia. " SDSM calls professional and the civic public to engage in the completion of SDSM's new program. Congress will adopt a program that will be translated into an electoral...

Zaev at a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister: Gruevski’s withdrawal is necessary

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and vice-president of the party Radmila Shekerinska today, in the frames of the Congress of the Party of European Socialists (PES), which is held in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, met with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, announced SDSM. At the meeting, Zaev emphasized the views of the party, according to which, it is necessary Nikola...

That’s why they rescheduled the congress of VMRO-DPMNE, which was scheduled for today in Kumanovo

The congress of VMRO-DPMNE was originally planned to be held in Kumanovo today, but it was moved a week earlier due to, as META reported, "security and operational goals." VMRO-DPMNE officially denied that the relocation of the Congress for 2nd and 3rd of May was related to the announced protests of the opposition. - The Central Committee decides the date of...

Who is with Gruevski the longest and who needs rest?

"We are not flawless, we made mistakes and oversights, but we did the most from all political parties before. Therefore, refreshing of officials, with the possibility of the replaced again in the future to gain a significant responsibility, if they deserve it, is occasionally necessary." This was part of the speech of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the party congress...

Shilegov: Gruevski’s announcements are for internal use only

Announcements of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to refresh his government team, conveyed on the Congress of VMRO-DPMNE, which took place in Kumanovo in the last two days, according to SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov, are actions that are "not related to the political crisis," but serve Gruevski "for internal use only". - What Nikola Gruevski said on their so-called Congress is...

Gruevski re-elected president of VMRO-DPMNE with 528 votes

Current leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski won the fourth term and in the next four years will be at the helm of the party after today's vote of the delegates of the 15th Congress held in Kumanovo. As President of the Commission for conducting the elections for party chairman Ilija Dimovski informed, of total of 560 delegates, 529 voted, of...

SDSM: All but Gruevski can see that he’s finished

"Nikola Gruevski realized the situation and therefore he hid from citizens and decided to sneak his shameful and forced re-election in the party at a holiday," reads the statement of SDSM in response to today’s address of Gruevski before delegates and guests of the 15th Congress of VMRO-DPMNE, which is held in Kumanovo this weekend. "Gruevski admitted evidence of the...

Gruevski from the congress in Kumanovo: We are not perfect but we did the most

"We are not perfect, we made mistakes and oversights, but we did most of all political parties so far," said the current President of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski in his address to delegates at the 15th Party Congress, which is held at the Center of Culture "Trajko Prokopiev" in Kumanovo today and tomorrow. - I am a man who works and...