

Развигоров твърди, а не проверил, в Македония няма закон за македонска национална чест

В интервю за българската информационна агенция „Фокус“, Михаил Развигоров, внук на известният революционер Мише Развигоров, говорейки за положението на българите в днешна Македония каза очевидна неистина - че в страната все още е в сила „Закон за защита на македонската национална чест“. „... Не е тайна, че вече 75 години цензурата по изявяване на българщина е много жестока. Това произтича...

Razvigorov claims falsely without checking first as Macedonia has no law on Macedonian national honor

In an interview for the Bulgarian news agency Focus, Mihail Razvigorov, the nephew of the renowned revolutionary Mishe Razvigorov, when talking about the condition of the Bulgarians in today's Macedonia he told an obvious lie that the country still has a "Law for protecting the Macedonian national honor." "It is not a secret that for the past 5 years...

Zaev: Four amendments to the Constitution, Ohrid Agreement will be added in the Preamble

Through an inclusive and transparent process, the Government has drafted four draft amendments to amend the Constitution in accordance with the Prespa Agreement, announced Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at a the press conference in Government. "The first amendment will be the replacement of the name Macedonia, with Northern Macedonia throughout the Constitution, except for Article 36, where there is a...

Ivanov: Because of our identity we are denied the right to prosperity

Today, on the occasion of the state holiday, Ilinden, President Gjorge Ivanov laid wreaths with fresh flowers in front of the monuments of ASNOM and Nikola Karev. In front of the monument of the first President of the ASNOM Presidium, Metodija Andonov-Cento, Ivanov said that "because of our Macedonian identity, we are denied the right to prosperity." “In order to...

Gruevski: Wise nations come out stronger from every crisis

By reflecting on their ambition and paying respect to the sacrifices of the revolutionaries of Ilinden and the Partisans of the anti-fascist struggle, Prime Minister Gruevski stated that their struggle is an impetus for “our struggle” and our stride towards higher goals. In his address from the monument of the President of the ASNOM presidium- Metodija Andonov – Chento...