“The impression that only Macedonians in Albania are negatively affected by the new territorial division is wrong. Beside us, members of Vlach, Montenegro and Greek minority also lost their municipalities. Therefore, we expect the reaction of all minorities in the country,” said Nezir Mecha from the association “Ilinden” from Tirana.
– Besides Macedonians, members of Vlach, Montenegro and Greek minority also lost their municipalities. I expect all together to again react to the authorities and thereby show that Albania doesn’t respect the rights of minorities. It was no accident that the EU was firm that Albania is not yet ready to begin membership negotiations a few days ago – said Mecha.
According to the new territorial division which should come into force after the local elections next year, five municipalities of the Macedonian minority, which functioned as independent units until now, were abolished.
The only municipality that remained is the Municipality in Pustec in Mala Prespa. This municipality has about 2,000 residents. Macedonians in Albania feel that there should be the Municipality of Golo Brdo, which would include the three former municipalities, and the Municipality of Gora, which include two municipalities. Macedonians from Golo Brdo are most affected by the new law. The three municipalities from that part, Steblevo, Trebishte and Ostreni, are added to the City of Burkiza.
University Professor Kimet Fetahu from the Macedonian company “Mir” says that after this, it became clear that the Constitutional Court is an extended hand of the Government of Edi Rama, who was determined to push through the territorial division at any cost, despite all indications of the parties and non-governmental sector that the decision is wrong.
Yesterday, for the second time, the Constitutional Court refused to discuss the territorial division of municipalities. At the request of opposition parties and members of minorities, the court was supposed to assess the constitutionality of the law with which the number of municipalities decreased from 367 to 61.