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National gathering of VMRO-DPMNE moves to Ohrid tomorrow

The ruling VMRO-DPMNE tomorrow, starting at 1 pm, at the sports center "Biljanini izvori" in Ohrid, will hold a new national gathering. Party leader...

The internal investigation in “Macedonian Telecom” will be conducted by external experts

The announced internal investigation in "Macedonian Telecom" and "T-Mobile" regarding the doubts for their possible involvement in the scandal "Wiretapping", presented by opposition leader...

At least 14 immigrants were killed in an accident on the railroad Veles – Skopje

At least 14 illegal immigrants died last night after they were hit by train on the railroad Veles - Skopje, report the media. The tragedy,...

VMRO-DPMNE: “Bomb” of SDSM in Veles exploded 20 years ago

"The bomb of SDSM in Veles, unfortunately, exploded twenty years ago when lousy policies of SDSM closed almost all factories and enterprises, and over...

After GTC, Centar plans referendum for parking lots

After the completion of the first referendum on preserving the authentic look of the City Trade Center, public enterprise "Parking lots of Municipality of...

NGO: Hate speech instead of freedom of expression

Instead of freedom of expression, there is hate speech in Macedonia, say representatives of the NGOs who participated on the debate titled "Freedom of...

Bogov: In the long run, the political crisis will have a negative effect on the economy

Governor of the National Bank Dimitar Bogov thinks that if the political crisis in the country lasts, it will have a negative impact on...

“Bomb” of SDSM from Veles: 1.3 million euros were to be transferred to Ivona Talevska’s account

At today’s press conference, Veles SDSM president Panche Ivanov released recordings of three scandals involving Nikola Gruevski and his associates. The first is about the...

SDSM: 83 percent of Centar residents to come out and vote for salvation of GTC

The citizens of the Municipality of Centar in myriad want to keep the authentic look of the City Trade Center (GTC), and, according to...

University and high school students marched against poor reforms

University and high school students today at noon simultaneously started marches against poor education reforms. "Student plenum" began its march at the University "St. Cyril...

Silence for referendum for GTC starts at midnight tonight

Forty-eight hours before the referendum on the appearance of the City Trade Center should complete the publication of public propaganda, unlike 24 hours for...

Moscow is concerned by the attack on the sentry in Goshince

The attack on the sentry in Goshince is proof of continuous ethnic tensions in the region, announced the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "The situation...

META at the border area: Goshince is not felt in Tanushevci…

Reinforced with additional colleagues, but in a calm atmosphere without tension, the daily routine of the police team of the sentry in Tanushevci, in...

Zaev: There was criminal association between Gruevski and media bosses

In the second block audio recordings which were announced by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today at a press conference, in a mutual conversation, Emil...

Rama claims that relations with Serbia have never been better

The statement for unification of Albania and Kosovo was taken out of context, said Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in an interview with "Al...

Head of “Actor” Bobolas arrested for tax evasion

Greek financial police this morning arrested business giant Leonidas Bobolas, owner of large construction company "Actor" and the newspaper "Ethnos". Bobolas was arrested for...

Top officials request the attack in Goshince to be resolved and not to be abused

After last evening's meeting of the top officials in the President's cabinet, Ivanov’s cabinet issued a statement, which reads that it was determined competent...

Osmani: For DUI, the meeting with Ivanov is nonexistent because he is an illegitimate president

"It is a nonexistent meeting because Ivanov is an illegitimate president." This was the answer we received from Bujar Osmani, spokesman for the Democratic...

MAN condemns the sending of funeral wreath for Jovanovski

Macedonian Association of Journalists (MAN) condemns sending funeral wreath with the inscription "Final Goodbye" to the home address of the journalist Borjan Jovanovski from...

Branko’s “Lada” at the protest in front of the Government on 9th of May

"Lada Niva", the symbol of "Resistance", protests led by former SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski, which began after the events in the Assembly on 24th...