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Komercijalna Bank: No restrictions on card use in Greece

Given the current situation in Greece and the introduction of capital controls, Komercijalna Bank informs the public that citizens will not have any restrictions...

Twist in Greece: Tsipras accepts European proposals with minor modifications and suggestions

It appears that Greece is changing its tune and accepts all proposals of the agreement proposed by European partners. The Greek government sent a...

How will Macedonia endure Greek collapse: Business will suffer, banks will take a breath

According to Governor Dimitar Bogov, Greek crisis cannot influence the banking sector, but it will have an impact on trade with this country. Companies exporting...

Ahmeti met with 15 ambassadors from EU countries

Working meetings in the headquarters of the Albanian parties DUI and DPA were today held by the ambassadors of the 15 member states of...

Greece sent a new proposal to European institutions

The information for a new agreement from the Greek side is getting louder and the government plane was ready to transport Prime Minister Alexis...

There will be a trial for “Puch”, court approves charges

Council for reviewing the indictment of the criminal court in Skopje fully approved the charges for case "Puch" and also rejected the objections of...

EC expects results from political leaders

Maya Kocijanchik, spokeswoman for the European Commission, today said she expects concrete results from party leaders in Macedonia. - We welcome the resumption of talks...

Electricity cheaper by 0.33 percent as of tomorrow

The price of electricity is reduced by 0.33 percent, the Energy Regulatory Commission decided today. The calculation of the new price will start from tomorrow,...

Lines Athens – Brussels overheated: A possible new proposal to lenders

Speculations of a possible movement of the Greek government in order to achieve agreement at the last moment with lenders are spread throughout Greece. The...

Employees of “Vest” supported the project “Macedonia employs” in front of the seat of MPM

The journalists of the daily newspaper "Vest", issued by the company "Media Print Macedonia" (MPM), came out today at noon in front of the...

Crisis to be resolved: How to passivize Gruevski before the elections?

It is likely that the political crisis is to be resolved very soon, because the positions of the two major political parties - VMRO-DPMNE...

Tsipras rejects Juncker’s new proposal

Alexis Tsipras does not think to make a step back. Greek PM confidently steps towards referendum decision on Sunday with great optimism and hope...

The leaders agreed to continue negotiating

Leaders of the main political parties met today at the MPs Club to continue discussions on the precise organization of the government that would...

ECB will continue its financial support to Greek banks

European Central Bank (ECB) today announced that it will continue with the current financial aid to Greek banks through the mechanism of emergency which...

SDSM: Gruevski’s only success is that 250 thousand young people moved out from Macedonia because of his policies

The only "success" of Nikola Gruevski for young people in Macedonia is that, due to his bad, wrong and criminal policies, more than 250...

Gruevski: We will not allow the agreement of 2nd of June to fail

If Zaev has at least a shred of confidence in himself and his policies, I call him to announce early elections for mayor in...

New leadership meeting to be held tomorrow

Tomorrow, leaders of political parties will once again try to bridge differences for exiting the political crisis. As announced, new leadership meeting will be...

IMF team to visit Macedonia

From tomorrow until July 8, a team of the International Monetary Fund, led by Jesmin Rahman, will stay in Skopje. The visit is to...

Greece sails through uncharted waters: Parliament approves referendum

With 178 votes "for" and 120 "against", the Greek Parliament gave green light to the proposal for a referendum on the austerity measures of...

Johannes Hahn won’t come to the leadership meeting in Skopje on Monday

EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn will not attend the leadership meeting which is to be held on Monday, and on which final efforts to...