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Creating fascination with Russia’s power in media and on social networks in North Macedonia

One of the simplest ways to influence a wider number of people is to glorify a country. Positive glorification can evoke admiration, a sense...

Why does Putin want escalation with the West?

The former head of the Bulgarian state intelligence agency Dimo ​​Gjaurov, in an interview with TV Nova, commented that one of the goals of...

Portalb: Distorted statement by Russian official instills fear of a “Great war”

Conflicts of great powers, especially the threat of war are always a media topic that affects readers and produces a lot of clicks. On...

North Macedonia pays highest prices for methane in the neighborhood, even though Gazprom lowered its price by 13%

Russian company Gazprom has reached an agreement with the North Macedonia company Makpetrol to lower the price of the methane in North Macedonia (compressed...

Rosana Aleksoska: Russian influence is Particularly Present At Important Periods and Events in North Macedonia

The NGO MOST recently published a study dedicated to the fight against false news and narratives. The study “Disinformation and information distortion in North...

Christian Schmidt is not an “illegally elected” High Representative

When German politician Christian Schmidt took over as High Representative of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina in August 2021, a debate began in BiH... Janko Bachev’s pro-Russian party a part of VMRO-DPMNE’s pressure on small parties published the original text. is republishing it below under the syndicating agreement:   Janko Bacev’s openly pro-Russian non-parliamentary political party sent a statement to...

“Institutional silence” about name board for Ukrainian city of Sevastopol on Russian children playground in Skopje, North Macedonia

For more than a month, the Centar Municipality, City Hall of Skopje and the Foreign Affairs Ministry of North Macedonia are silent about the...

North Macedonia with record mortality rate

The birth rate in North Macedonia has decreased and with lesser live births, the population is aging. The older population is predominant and, accordingly,...

PE Communal Hygiene selected only 0.32% of total waste collected in Skopje in 2021

In 2021, the community hygiene public enterprise (PE) of Skopje, the “Komunalna higiena - Skopje” (PE Communal Hygiene - Skopje) has managed to select...

Russian court orders human rights group “Memorial” to close

Russia’s Supreme Court has ordered the closure of the “Memorial”, the country’s most prominent human rights group, which dealt with the Stalin-era purges, symbolizing...

Russia Today’s license in Germany revoked, Kremlin retaliates by shutting down Deutsche Welle’s Russian Service

Russian authorities have banned the broadcasting of programs by the German media corporation Deutsche Welle in the country, they closed their offices while the... Lots of courts and judges, but little Justice

With the systematization of the judicial network for judges in all levels of courts and for all types of courts, 636 judicial seats are... Thirty Children with Cerebral Palsy Live In Isolation in Ohrid, the State Is Silent

Children with cerebral palsy in Ohrid live in complete isolation. They do not have any day care centers. Parents complain that their children are... Small Steps Towards Big Changes For Children With Disabilities in Macedonian Education

Educational inclusion is a process that lasts more than two decades, which is being delayed not only due to bad laws but also due...

Pendarovski: We have strengthened capacities for fighting anti-Western propaganda

North Macedonia’s President, Stevo Pendarovski, said yesterday that after the referendum and the change of the name of the country, the anti-Western propaganda has...

[Photo Story] 2021 seen through the lenses of a group of Macedonian photographers

At the end of the first month of the new year, we produced a photo story together with several domestic photographers who participated with...

After 82 days in office, Mayor Danela Arsovska still hadn’t cleaned all illegal dumps throughout Skopje

The first 82 days since Mayor Danela Arsovska took over the helm of Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, expired on Friday, the 28th...

Russian authorities add oppositionist Navalny to the “Terrorists list”

The leading Russian oppositionist Alexei Navalny, who has been jailed for a year, has been proclaimed a “terrorist” by the Russian state. The loudest...

Portalb: Unnecessary media hyperbolization and glorification of Russian military equipment

This is an article that hyperbolically and sensationally glorifies Russian military equipment. The headline “Russia presented the Beast in the Sky: “We will deal...